,,,,,,,''Enter the Rooms''
//Chose Your Character://
(if: not $claire)[<li>[[Claire]]</li>]
(if: not $jack)[<li>[[Jack]]</li>]
(if: not $jason)[<li>[[Jason]]</li>]
(if: not $gabe)[<li>[[Gabe]]</li>]
(if: not $mark)[<li>[[Mark]]</li>]
}''Chaotic Rooms''
(text-style: "subscript")[//Based on the book of the same name//]
written by S. Topaz Wolf
(text-style: "outline")[[[Play->Enter the rooms]][[!->Debug]]] You wake up in $descBasic. You [[explore the space->Claire explore space]][[.->Debug]](if: $chara is "Jack")[You wake up in $descBasic.
A girl is standing over you holding a //Sharpie// over your face.
You [[scream->Jack introductions]][[.->Debug]]](else-if: $chara is "Claire")[You find a blond boy sleeping in the center of the room. You grab a //Sharpie// to draw on him, but by the time you make it back to his room, [[he's awake->Jack introductions]].]You wake up in a room full of water with a lifejacket on.
* [[Scream->Jason screams]]
* [[Tread water->Gabe opens the door]]You wake up in $descBasic.
[[Escape]] You wake up in $descBasic.
[[Escape]] //Welcome to the debug page!//
This page displays the current values for the instance variables.
Character name: $char
character routes completed:
* Claire: (print: $claire)
* Jack: (print: $jack)
* Gabe: (print: $gabe)
* Mark: (print: $mark)
* Jason: (print: $jason)
True ending? (print: $complete)
current descriptions for all the different rooms
* Basic
** $descBasic
* X-door
** $descXDoor
* Void
** $descVoid
* Blue Sharpie
** $descSharpie
* Bowling balls
** $descBalls [[Sharpie room->Jack room 1]] You're in a room $descSharpie You meet the other (if: $chara is "Jack")[girl and learn that her name is Claire](else-if: $chara is "Claire")[boy and learn that his name is Jack].
(link-goto: :"proceed to exit", (cond: $chara is "Claire", "House doors", $chara is "Jack", "Jack's cube")) Halfway through the door, the $descRed and you hear a sliding sound before your vision abruptly turns black.
[[Menu->Enter the rooms]]
(set: $jason to true)
(set: $death to true) (if: $complete)[ [[The end]]]
(else:)[[[The return->Enter the rooms]]]
You open the [[last door->Escape]][[.->Debug]]
(set: $claire to true)
(set: $fast to false)
(if: $routes > 4)[(set: $complete to true)] A ray of sky-blue light shot out of the button and broadened until it covered the whole ceiling. Amazed, Jack carefully set the box down and the beam recalibrated to cover the entire ceiling.
Slowly, the device projected a blue sky with fluffy white clouds and a yellow sun. The walls transformed into a park scene, and grass grew under-foot. A playground appeared in the distance, and suddenly, Jack realized the cube was gone. Actually, all of it was gone. He wasn’t inside a room anymore.
Jack stepped forward, confused. A gentle breezed ruffled his hair. The strange suffocating feeling lifted from his shoulders. The nudge in the back of his head told him that he had succeeded. Jack smiled, breathing in the real air. He had escaped from the winding, ever-changing maze of rooms… [[next->Escape]]
(set: $jack to true)
(set: $fast to false)
(if: $routes > 4)[(set: $complete to true)] (set: $complete to true)
(set: $fast to true)
Procede to [[Escape]][[.->Debug]]Jason screams before he gets a hold of himself and starts [[treading water->Jason meets Gabe]]. The door pops open. The water starts draining out of the room. You frantically grab at the walls but they are slick with water and you cannot get a good hold.
[[go to death->Jason dies]] Suddenly, there is a loud bang from beneath you. You look down to see a circular, [[watertight door->Jason meets Gabe]]. {
<!-- initialize character name to empty string -->
(set: $char to "Chara")
<!-- initialize character routes to true so all character routes will initially be available -->
(set: $claire to false, $jack to false, $gabe to false, $mark to false, $jason to false)
<!-- if you die and return to the home screen, it will show a good luck message -->
(set: $routes to 0, $death to false, $complete to false)
<!-- initialize basic descriptions of all the different rooms so player retains information upon death -->
(set: $descBasic to "a room, sixteen feet by sixteen feet, with a sixteen-foot ceiling. Four-foot square doors lay in the center of each white wall, surrounded by white ladders that line the walls and leed all the way to the monkey-bar ceiling grid. Unseen lights light the room, just enough to see, but not too bright to be uncomfortable",
$descXDoor to "marked with a red “x,” with a foul, metallic smell coming from it",
$descVoid to "find a dark void behind it. The air coming from the void is slightly cooler than the air in the room, but other than that, it is formless. There is no visible bottom or top; no walls are discernible",
$descSharpie to "with blue walls and //Sharpies// in it. I'll fix this later.",
$descBalls to "full of gravity-defying bowling-balls. I'll fix this later.")
}^^ [[Chaotic Rooms->Debug]] | (live: 1.0s)[Name: $name | Routes: $routes] ^^
(if: $fast)[Though I know what you did there, so go back and play it right. <br /><br />[[The return->Enter the rooms]]](else:)[Thank you for playing my game! (set: $complete to true)]You're playing as Claire, a girl with a physical description.
[[Begin->Claire room 1]]
(set: $char to "Claire", $routes to it + 1)You're playing as Jack, a blond caucasian boy of about 5'5".
[[Begin->Jack room 1]](set: $char to "Jack", $routes to it + 1)You're playing as Jason, a chubby Caucasian boy wearing glasses and a life jacket.
[[Begin->Jason room 1]] (set: $char to "Jason", $routes to it + 1)You're playing as Gabe, who has a physical description.
[[Begin->Gabe room 1]] (set: $char to "Gabe", $routes to it + 1)You're playing as Mark, a Caucasian boy with a knife (maybe?) I can't remember this'll be fixed soon I promise.
[[Begin->Mark room 1]] (set: $char to "Mark", $routes to it + 1)