,,,,,,,,,(set: $name to (prompt:"What is your name?", "Shanon"))(if: $name is "Jessica" or it is "Owen" or it is "Ryan")[(set: $name to (prompt:"Please choose a different name: ", "Cameron"))]
What is your gender?
* [[Male]]
* [[Female]]
* more coming soon :) <!-- No, seriously, soon. -->
$version (set: $gender to "male", $sbj to "he", $obj to "him", $pos to "his", $robj to "his", $ref to "himself")
(set: $misgender to "female", $missbj to "she", $misobj to "her", $mispos to "her", $misrobj to "hers", $misref to "herself")
(set: $deadname to "Jessica")
''Welcome, $name!''
(text-style: "outline")[ [[Play!]]](set: $gender to "female", $sbj to "she", $obj to "her", $pos to "her", $robj to "hers", $ref to "herself")
(set: $misgender to "male", $missbj to "he", $misobj to "him", $mispos to "his", $misrobj to "his", $misref to "himself")
(set: $deadname to "Owen")
''Welcome, $name!''
(text-style: "outline")[ [[Play!]]]$name is in middle school. In the morning, $sbj says hello to $pos mother, who calls $obj $deadname, even though that isn’t $pos name. Don’t explain it. Maybe $sbj feels a little sick but don't give an explanation.
[[Go catch the bus]]
(set: $happy to 0, $self to 0)(set: $version to "^^version [[0.0.002 alpha-af->debug]]^^", $ryan to false, $talk to false, $friend to false, $death to false, $deaths to 0, $complete to false)
''Not Weird. Queer''
^^(a working title)^^
(set: $badEnding to "The world crumbles around $obj and $pos vision turns black. <br /><br />$name has died. <br />[[Game over->Restart]].")
$version''Welcome to the debug page!''
^^Good on ya for exploring everything... hehe^^
Character info:
* name: $name
* gender: $gender
* pronouns: $sbj/$obj/$pos/$robj/$ref
Character stats:
* happiness score: $happy
* self-esteme score: $self
* previous day's happiness: $lasthappy
* met Ryan: (print: $ryan)
** talked to Ryan: (print: $talk)
** made friends with Ryan: (print: $friend)
(if: $death)[* deaths: $deaths]
(if: $complete)[* completed the happy ending]
$name walks to the bus stop and gets on the next bus. There are three open seats left.
* $sbj sits [[with a classmate->On the bus with Ryan]]
* $sbj sits [[next to a stranger->On the bus with a stranger]]
* $sbj sits [[alone->On the bus alone]]
$version(set: $happy to it + 1, $self to it - 1, $ryan to true)
$name makes some kind of conversation with Ryan. Ryan thinks $sbj's $misgender, but $name doesn't correct $obj.
[[Arrive at school]]
$version$name says hi to the stranger and he nods back without saying anything more. $name stares out the window as $sbj [[thinks about $pos homework->Arrive at school]].
$version(set: $happy to it - 1)
$name stares out the window as $sbj [[thinks about $pos homework->Arrive at school]].
$versionAs $name walks up to the school, $sbj (if: $happy > 0)[notices that flowers of multiple colors and varieties are in bloom.](else-if: $happy is 0)[worries about the hay fever season.](else:)[is annoyed to be at school once again but whatever.]
[[Go to biology class]]
$version$name goes to $pos biology class. The teacher, Mr. Kinsey, is lecturing about parts of flowers.
//Flower genders are weird...// [[Sigh->Flower biology question]].
$versionMr. Kinsey asks a question about flower anthers.
* $name [[raises $pos hand->Answer the flower question]].
* $name [[whispers to Ryan]]
* $name does [[nothing->Not flower question]]
$version(set: $self to it - 1)
Mr. Kinsey says, "Good job, $deadname." $name cringes when the teacher calls $obj that name but $sbj doesn't say anything.
[[Go to lunch]]
$version$name whispers to Ryan about how it's weird that flowers can be both genders at the same time.
(if: $ryan)[Ryan agrees. <br /><br />$name says off-handedly that $sbj wishes people could be that flexible, too. Ryan smiles.<br ./>//Maybe I've made a friend,// $name thinks to $ref. (set: $self to it + 2, $happy to it + 1, $friend to true)](if: not $ryan)[Ryan nods mildly. $name feels awkward, looks away and drops the subject.(set: $self to it - 1, $ryan to true)]
[[Go to lunch]]
$version(set: $happy to it - 1, $self to it - 1)It’s lunch now. $name sits down at a table and starts eating the sandwich $pos mom made for $obj. Someone sitting at the table looks at $obj sideways.
“What?” $name says to him. <br />He laughs, saying, “Why you always dressed so funny?”<br />$name looks down and frowns. “What do you mean…?”<br />”You a (if: $gender is "female")[sissy](if: $gender is "male")[dyke] or something?” The bully laughs [[too loudly->React to the bully]] to be comfortable.
$version$name stares out the window as $pos classmate Ryan answers the question.
[[Go to lunch]]
$version(if: $ryan)[From behind $name, Ryan walks up to the bully. <br />“What the fuck are you doing, asshole?" $sbj says. Ryan motions to $name. "Come on, $deadname, let’s get [[out of here->Go to the field]].”(set: $self to it + 1)](if: not $ryan)[$name burys $pos attention into $pos sandwich and when the roaring in $pos ears becomes unbearable $sbj [[storms out of the cafeteria->Cry in the hallway]].(set: $happy to it - 1, $self to it - 1)]
$version$name goes to the afterschool book club(if: $friend)[ with Ryan]. $name sits down and as usual, starts writing. Today, $sbj is writing (if: $talk)[a short story about (if: $gender is "male")[a PewDiePie Let's Play](else-if: $gender is "female")[a sentient Pintrest board]](else-if: not $talk)[a dark poem (if: $self < -1)[about knives](else:)[metaphorically describing a heated argument]].
Soon, it is time for everyone to [[share their pieces of writing->Story sharing]].
(if: $talk)[(set: $friend to true)]
$versionRyan takes $name out to the field and asks $obj how $sbj's doing. $name stares at $pos shoes and shrugs.
* [[Tell Ryan about $name's problems->Talk to Ryan day 1]]
* [[Tell Ryan that $name's doing fine->Not talk to Ryan day 1]]
$version(set: $talk to false)
$name stops in the hallway and checks to see that no one else is there.
<!-- (if: $self < -2)[$badEnding(set: $death to true, $deaths to it + 1)] -->(else:)[The day's been rough but $name calms down and makes it to through the school day.
Go to the [[afterschool book club->Book club]]]
$version(set: $talk to true)$name looks up at Ryan.
$name: "I'm feeling kinda weird."
Ryan: "What kinda weird?”
$name: "I don’t know. I’ve always felt different."
Ryan: "Like about…?"
$name: "You know how everyone think’s I’m $misgender?"
Ryan: "Oh? What do you mean?”
$name: "I think I’m actually $gender. I mean, I've always felt weird when people call me $missjb and stuff."
Ryan: "I see. That’s actually really cool!"
$name: "Oh?"
Ryan: "Yeah! I think so."
$name: "Um, thank you."
(if: $friend)[Ryan: "So, what you’re doing afterschool?"
$name: "Not much. Just my literature club.(if: true)[ I don't even know why I keep going.]"
Ryan: "Can I come with?"
$name smiles. "[[Of course->Book club]]."(set: $self to it + 3, $happy to it + 2)](if: not $friend)[Go to [[book club->Book club]].(set: $self to it + 2, $happy to it + 1)]
(set: $happy to it + 1, $talk to false)$name continues staring at $pos feet. "I'm doing fine."
Ryan nods. "If you ever want to talk…"
$name smiles weakly. "Thanks, Ryan."
(if: $friend)[Ryan: "So, what you’re doing afterschool?"
$name: "Not much. Just my literature club.(if: true)[ I don't even know why I keep going.]"
Ryan: "Can I come with?"
$name smiles. "[[Of course->Book club]]."](if: not $friend)[Go to [[book club->Book club]].]
$version(set: $ryan to false, $talk to false, $friend to false)
''Not Weird. Queer''
^^(a working title)^^
(if: $death)[(if: $deaths > 1)[You can do this, $name. I believe in you!]
(text-style: "outline")[ [[Play!]]]](else-if: $complete)[Welcome back! <br /><br />[[Start]]]The club president asks if there are any volunteers.
(if: (not $talk) and $friend)[$name shares $pos poem with just Ryan and $sbj [[nods supportingly->Go home day 1]].(set: $self to it + 1)](else-if: (not $talk) and (not $friend))[<ul><li>[[Share you story->Share poem without Ryan]] </li><li>[[Do nothing->Not share poem without Ryan]] </li></ul>]
(else:)[$name shares $pos story and the other club members give $obj clicks. Ryan beams and tells $name $sbj [[did a great job->Go home day 1]].(set: $happy to it + 3, $self to it + 3)]
$versionAfter the club meeting, $name goes home. (if: $talk)[Before heading off, Ryan says, "Remember, you're super awesome, $deadname!"(set: $self to it + 1)](else-if: $friend)[Before heading off, Ryan says, "If you ever need to talk…"(set: $happy to it + 1)](else:)[](set: $self to it + ($happy / 2), $lasthappy to $happy, $happy to 0)
(if: $self < -3)[$badEnding(set: $death to true, $deaths to it + 1)]
(else:)[You're ready to start a [[new day->Morning day 2]].]
$version (set: $happy to it + 1, $self to it - 1)
$name shares $pos poem with the club. The other members start to snap quietly after an awkward silence.
[[Go home->Go home day 1]]
$version(set: $happy to it - 1, $self to it - 1)$name stares at $pos poem. Embarassed, $sbj feels angry at $ref but it's too late to do anything about it.
[[Go home->Go home day 1]]
$versionTomorrow morning rolls around.
You wake up with $self self esteme points and a blank slate of happiness points.
[[To be continued…->Thank you for playing (alpha-af)]]
$versionFor the special player who played this special game:
Thank you for getting through this game. No, seriously. I know it's very alpha (version [[alpha-af!->debug]]), but it means a lot to me that you took the time to click through the options, read through all the dialogue, (if: $death)[persevere and get to a better place, ]and deal with all my nasty bugs and grammar problems, even though it’s still very incomplete. I hope you enjoyed playing it as much as I enjoyed making it.
$name also thanks you eternally for getting $obj through $pos journey.
with hope,
Jeans Jake
(set: $complete to true, $death to false, $deaths to 0)[[Play again->Restart]]