,,,,,,,,,,,,,What are your pronouns?
* [[he/him|Male]]
* [[she/her|Female]]
* (if: not $whategg)[More coming soon :)](else:)[[[they/them|Nonbinary]] <ul><li>[[custom|Custom pronouns]]</li></ul>]{
$deadname to (either: "Jessica", "Allison", "Zoë"),
$ally to (either: "Sean", "Kyle", "Ryan"),
$choices to (ds: "Tyler", "Jason", "Jake", "Peter", "Cole", "Andrew"),
$gender to "male", $noun to "boy", $sbj to "he", $obj to "him", $pos to "his", $robj to "his", $ref to "himself",
$misgender to "female", $misnoun to "girl", $missbj to "she", $misobj to "her", $mispos to "her", $misrobj to "hers", $misref to "herself")
What is your name?
[(input-box: bind $name, "X=", 1, (either: ...$choices))]<name-prompt|
(event: when $name is $ally)[(hide: ?name-prompt)(input-box: bind $name, "X=", 1, (either: ...$choices))
$ally: "I already picked that name, silly."]
(event: when $name is $deadname)[(hide: ?name-prompt)(input-box: bind $name, "X=", 1, (either: ...$choices)
"Please pick a different name."]
}(live: 1s)[(set: $name to (trimmed: $name))]
$deadname to (either: "Owen", "Peter", "Kyle"),
$ally to (either: "Allison", "Jessica", "Zoë"),
$choices to (ds: "Abby", "Gabby", "Emily", "Katie", "Peyton", "Ciara"),
$gender to "female", $noun to "girl", $sbj to "she", $obj to "her", $pos to "her", $robj to "hers", $ref to "herself",
$misgender to "male", $misnoun to "boy", $missbj to "he", $misobj to "him", $mispos to "his", $misrobj to "his", $misref to "himself")
What is your name?
[(input-box: bind $name, "X=", 1, (either: ...$choices))]<name-prompt|
(event: when $name is $ally)[(hide: ?name-prompt)(input-box: bind $name, "X=", 1, (either: ...$choices))
$ally: "I already picked that name, silly."]
(event: when $name is $deadname)[(hide: ?name-prompt)(input-box: bind $name, "X=", 1, (either: ...$choices)
"Please pick a different name."]
}(live: 1s)[(set: $name to (trimmed: $name))]
[[Okay|Welcome!]]Tomorrow morning rolls around.
$name wakes up with $self self-esteem points and a blank slate of happiness points.
$dummy[(if: $self < 0)[$name had way overslept again. Hastily, $sbj threw on a (if: $gender is "male")[feminine](else-if: $gender is "female")[masculine] outfit and combed through $pos unruly hair. While rushing through the door, $pos mom chides $obj about oversleeping all the time.]
(else-if: $self > 0)[$name was awake before $pos alarm rang so $sbj had time to make $obj`self` breakfast without being late for the bus. $name picked a vaguely (if: $gender is "male")[masculine](else-if: $gender is "female")[feminine] outfit and made a sandwich for lunch.]
(else:)[$name hit snooze on $pos alarm clock twice before jumping out of bed. $name picked a gender-neutral outfit and made it out the door on time, but only because $sbj skipped breakfast.]]
$dummy[Of course, $pos mom called $obj $deadname again. Even though it's annoying, $name isn't really sure that there's anything $sbj can do about it. ]
[[Go catch the bus->Catch the bus part 1]] (set: $loop to 2, $day to it + 1)(set: $name to "Welcome!", $sbj to 0)
''Not Weird. Queer''
^^(a working title)^^
(text-style: "outline")[ [[Start]]]''Welcome (if: $whategg)[back ]to the debug page!''
^^Good on ya for exploring everything... hehe^^
Character info:
* name: $name
* gender: $gender
* pronouns: $sbj/$obj/$pos/$robj
Character stats:
* happiness score: $happy
* self-esteem score: $self
* previous day's happiness: $lasthappy
* action points: $action
* absolute day: $loop (part $part)
* deaths: (plural: $deaths, "death")
* met $ally: (print: $ryan > 0)(if: $ryan > 0)[ (plural: $ryan, "time")]
** rode on the bus with $ally today: (print: $bus)
** invited $ally to the book club: (print: $club)
** made friends with $ally: (print: $talk)
* today's outfit: $outfit
* shared with book club: (print: $share)
(if: $complete)[* completed the happy ending]
(set: $whategg to true, $sidebar to true)
Hard restart(click:"Hard restart")[(reload:)] `(`caution: resets your game and returns you to the start page)
<!-- grab last page in history -->
(set: $lastpage to (history:)'s last)
(link-goto: "Return to game", $lastpage)
Passage history: |view>[show](click: ?view)[==
<ol>(for: each _pas, ...(history:))[<li>_pas</li>]</ol> $name walks to the bus stop and gets on the next bus. There are three open seats left. (if: $ryan is 0 and $day > 2)[$name sits at an empty seat and [[$pos classmate $ally sits next to $obj|On the bus with Ryan]].]
(else:)[<ul><li>$sbj sits (cond: $ryan is 0, (link-goto: "with $pos classmate $ally", "On the bus with Ryan"), (link-goto: "with $ally", "On the bus with Ryan"))</li><li>$sbj sits [[next to a stranger->On the bus with a stranger]]</li><li>$sbj sits [[alone->On the bus alone]]</li></ul>]
(if: $ryan > 0)[$name sits with $pos (cond: $ryan > 2, "friend", "classmate"), $ally.
(if: $ryan > 2)[(nth: visit, "$name laughs as $ally talks about $pos adorable cat Randle", "$ally jokes about Mrs. Pendle's math homework. $name agrees that it's ridiculous", "$name and $ally talk about their favorite art projects", "$ally gives some insightful introspection").]
(else:)[They make small talk on the way to school.]]
(else:)[$name's classmate $ally sits next to $obj. $name makes some kind of conversation with $ally. Since $ally thinks $name's name is "$deadname," $sbj thinks $name's is a $misnoun and $name doesn't bother to correct $obj. $ally seems like a cool person otherwise.]
It's nice to (cond: $ryan > 2, "sit with a friend", "have company") on the bus.
[[Arrive at school->Arrive at school part 1]](set: $happy to it + 1, $ryan to it + 1, $bus to true) {
(if: $ryan > 1)[$name decides not to bother $ally with $pos problems today.]
(if: visits is 1)[$name says hi to the stranger and $missbj nods back without saying anything more. $name stares out the window as $sbj thinks about $pos homework.]
(else:)[$name and the stranger attempt to make strained conversation but $name ultimately ends up staring out the window.]
(if: visits > 1)[<br /><br />Another day, another awkward day.]
[[Arrive at school->Arrive at school part 1]](if: $ryan > 1)[$name decided not to bother $ally with $pos problems today. ]$name stares out the window as $sbj thinks about $pos (nth: visit, "English", "biology", "art", "math", "history") homework. (if: visits > 1)[<br /><br />Another day, another lonely day.]
[[Arrive at school->Arrive at school part 1]](set: $happy to it - 1) As $name walks up to $pos middle school(if: $bus)[ (cond: $ryan < 2, "along side", "with") $ally], $sbj (if: $self > 1)[notices that flowers of multiple colors and varieties are in bloom.](else-if: $self < 0)[is annoyed to be at school once again but whatever.](else:)[worries about the upcoming hay fever season.]
(cond: $loop is 2, (link-goto: "Go to biology class", "Biology class part 1"), $loop is 3, (link-goto: "Go to math class", "Math class part 1"), $loop is 4, (link-goto: "Go to PE class", "PE class part 1"), $loop is 5, (link-goto: "Go to art class", "Art class day 5"))$name goes to $pos biology class. The teacher, Mr. Kinsey, is (if: visits > 1)[still] lecturing about parts of flowers.
//Flower genders are weird…// [[Sigh->Flower biology question]]. Mr. Kinsey asks a question about flower (nth: visits, "anthers", "pistils", "sepals"). $name knows the answer to the question. What should $sbj do?
* [[raise $pos hand->Answer flower question]]
* (link-goto: (cond: $ryan > 1, "whisper to $pos friend $ally", "whisper to $pos classmate $ally"), "Whispers to Ryan")
* [[do nothing->Not flower question]] Mr. Kinsey picks on $name, calling $pos "$deadname." $name cringes when the teacher calls $obj that name but $sbj doesn't bother to complain.
(upper-first: $sbj) answers the question correctly and zones out for the rest of the class period.
[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 2]] $name whispers to (if: $ryan is 0)[$pos classmate ]$ally about how it's weird that flowers can be both genders at the same time.
(if: $ryan > 0)[$ally agrees. <br /><br />$name says off-handedly that $sbj wishes people could be that flexible, too. $ally smiles.<br ./>//Maybe I've made a friend,// $name thinks to $obj`self`. (set: $happy to it + 1)](else:)[$ally nods mildly. $name feels awkward, looks away, and drops the subject.](set: $ryan to it + 1)
[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 2]] It’s lunch now. $name sits down at a table and starts eating the sandwich $pos mom made for $obj. Someone sitting at the other end of the table looks at $obj sideways.
"What?" $name says to him.
He laughs, saying, "Why you always dressed so funny?"
$name looks down and frowns. "What do you mean…?"
"You a (if: $gender is "female")[freaking sissy](if: $gender is "male")[crazy feminazi] or something?" The bully laughs [[too loudly->React to the bully]] to be comfortable. (set: $happy to it - 1)$name stares out the window as $pos classmate (cond: visits is 1, $ally, (either: "Becky", "Peter", "Josh", "Chara")) answers the question. $name knew the answer, but $sbj was too embarrassed to answer. Maybe next time.
[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 2]] (set: $happy to it - 1)(if: $ryan > 0)[From behind $name, $ally walks up to the bully. <br />"What the fuck are you doing, asshole?" $sbj says. "Don't you have anything better to do?" <br /><br />$ally motions to $name. "Come on, $deadname, let’s get out of here."<br />Grateful for the help, $name follows $ally [[out of the lunch room->Go to the field]].](else:)[$name buries $pos attention into $pos sandwich and when the roaring in $pos ears becomes unbearable $sbj [[storms out of the cafeteria->Cry in the hallway part 1]].] After school, $name goes to the middle school book club(if: $club)[ with $ally]. $name sits down (if: $club)[next to $ally ]and, as usual, starts writing.
Today, $name is writing
(if: $happy > 2)[a short story about
(if: $gender is "male")[(nth: $day, "his favorite taco place downtown", "a PewDiePie Let's Play", "his Hotwheels colection").]
(else-if: $gender is "female")[(nth: $day, "her neighbor's new kitten", "a sentient Pintrest board", "the color chartreuse").]]
(else:)[a poem
(if: $happy < 1)[about knives.(if: $self < -1)[ All the knives]]
(else:)[metaphorically describing (nth: $day, "a heated argument", "the bottom of a well", "the darkness in space").]]
Soon, it is time for everyone to (link-goto: "share their pieces of writing", (cond: $talk, "Story sharing day 5", "Story sharing part 1")). $ally takes $name out to the field and asks $obj how $sbj's doing. $name stares at $pos shoes and shrugs.
* (link-goto: "Talk about $name's problems", (cond: $self > 1 and $ryan > 4, "Talk to Ryan day 5", "Talk to Ryan day 2"))
* [[Tell $ally that everything's fine->Not talk to Ryan day 2]] (set: $happy to it + 1)$name stops in the hallway and checks to see that no one else is there.
(if: $self < -2)[$badEnding(set: $deaths to it + 1)](else:)[The day's been rough but $name calms down and makes it to through the school day.
[[Go to the book club->Book club part 1]](set: $happy to it + 1)](set: $ryan to it + 1, $happy to it + 1)$name looks up at $ally.
$name: "I just hate that people keep doing that."
$ally: "Yeah. That guy was a real jerk."
$name: "Uh, thanks for standing up for me." $name stares at $pos shoes. "Not a lot of people do that."
$ally: "No problem, $deadname. That guy bothers you again, just let me know."
$name: "I will."
(if: $ryan > 2)[$ally: "So, what you’re doing after school?"
$name: "Not much. Just my book club.(if: $day > 2 and $self < 2)[ I don't even know why I keep going.]"
$ally: "Can I come with?"
$name smiles. "[[Of course->Book club part 1]]." (set: $club to true)](if: not ($ryan > 2))[[[Go to the book club->Book club part 1]].] $name continues staring at $pos feet. "I'm doing fine."
$ally nods. "If you ever want to talk…"
$name smiles weakly. "Thanks, $ally."
(if: $ryan > 2)[$ally: "So, what you’re doing after school?"
$name: "Not much. Just my book club. (if: $self < 1)[I don't even know why I keep going.]"
$ally: "Can I come with?"
$name smiles. "[[Of course->Book club part 1]]."(set: $club to true)](else:)[[[Go to the book club->Book club part 1]].] (set: $ryan to 0, $happy to 0, $self to 0, $bus to false, $club to false, $talk to false, $day to 0, $part to 0, $loop to 0, $action to 0)
''Not Weird. Queer''
^^(a working title)^^
(if: $deaths > 0)[(if: $deaths > 1)[You can do this, $name. I believe in you!]
(text-style: "outline")[ [[Try again->Part 1 opening]]]](else-if: $complete)[Welcome back! <br /><br />(text-style: "outline")[ [[Start]]]]The book club president asks if there are any volunteers. $name looks down at $pos story.
(if: $club)[<li>[[Share $name's story->Share your story with Ryan]]</li>
<li>[[Do nothing->Not share story with Ryan]]</li>]
(else:)[<li>[[Share $name's story->Share poem without Ryan]]</li>
<li>[[Do nothing->Not share poem without Ryan]]</li>]
(if: $club)[
(if: $ryan > 4)[Before heading off, $ally says, "Remember, you're super awesome,]
(else:)[Before heading off, $ally says, "Remember, if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you,]
$deadname." <br />It hurts to hear $pos friend call $obj by that name, but $name knows $ally doesn't know any better. The sentiment is still appreciated.(set: $happy to it + 1) <br /><br />]
After the club meeting, $name goes home.
(if: $happy < 0)[(set: $self to it - 1)]
(else-if: $happy > 2 and $self < 5)[(set: $self to it + 1)]
(set: $lasthappy to $happy, $happy to 0, $bus to false)
(if: $self < -2)[$badEnding (set: $death to true, $deaths to it + 1)]
(if: $lasthappy > 2)[The day surprisingly didn't suck. Hopefully tomorrow won't suck, either.]
(else-if: $lasthappy < 0)[The day was a rough one, but nothing $sbj hasn't seen before.]
(else:)[The day was fine. Nothing noteworthy. Tomorrow will be another.]
<br /><br />
$name is ready to start a (link-goto: "new day", (cond: $loop is 2, "Morning day 3", $loop is 3, "Morning day 4", $loop is 4, "Morning day 5", $loop is 5, "Morning day 2", "Restart")).]
}$name shares $pos poem with the club. The other members (if: $self < 0)[start to ]snap(if: $happy < 0)[ quietly after an awkward silence](if: $self > -1 and $happy > -1)[ for $obj].
After a few more club memebers share their writing, it's time to [[go home->Go home part 1]]. (set: $happy to it + 1)(set: $happy to it - 1)$name stares at $pos poem. Embarrassed, $sbj feels angry at $obj`self` but it's too late to do anything about it.
After the other club members share their stories, it's time to [[go home->Go home part 1]] Tomorrow morning rolls around.
$name wakes up with $self self-esteem points and a blank slate of happiness points.
(if: $self < 0)[$name had way overslept again. Hastily, $sbj threw on a (if: $gender is "male")[feminine](else-if: $gender is "female")[masculine] outfit and combed through $pos unruly hair. While rushing through the door, $pos mom chides $obj about oversleeping all the time.]
(else-if: $self > 0)[$name was awake before $pos alarm rang so $sbj had time to make $obj`self` breakfast without being late for the bus. $name picked a vaguely (if: $gender is "male")[masculine](else-if: $gender is "female")[feminine] outfit and made a sandwich for lunch.]
(else:)[$name hit snooze on $pos alarm clock twice before jumping out of bed. $name picked a gender-neutral outfit and made it out the door on time, but only because $sbj skipped breakfast.]
Of course, $pos mom called $obj $deadname again. Even though it's annoying, $name isn't really sure that there's anything $sbj can do about it.
[[Go catch the bus->Catch the bus part 1]] (set: $loop to 3, $day to it + 1)For the special player who played this special game:
Thank you for making it through this game(if: $complete)[ again]. No, seriously. I know it's very alpha (version [[alpha-af!->debug]]), but it means a lot to me that you took the time to click through the options, read through all the dialogue, (if: $deaths > 0)[persevered to get $name to a better place, ]and deal with all my nasty bugs and grammar problems. (if: $whategg)[You've even stumbled upon the [[debug]] mode somehow. Good on ya ;)]
I hope you enjoyed playing $game as much as I enjoyed making it. $name also thanks you eternally for helping $obj get through $pos journey. You completed $pos adventure with $self self-esteem points over $day days. Hopefully, through this adventure, we've all learned a little more about ourselves and the people around us.
With hope,
Cmd Jake Max
Your feedback is important (this game is alpha-af). Consider filling out a <a href= "https://forms.gle/mc2JKRCaoz9jvtki9" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">brief survey</a>.
[[Play again->Restart]] (set: $complete to true) {
(set: $history to "")
(for: each _name, ...(history: ))[
(set: $history to it + ", " + _name)
<script src=”jquery-3.3.1.min.js”></script>
var sendData = JSON.stringify({
"version": harlowe.State.variables['version'],
"name": harlowe.State.variables['name'],
"gender": harlowe.State.variables['gender'],
"day": harlowe.State.variables['day'],
"self": harlowe.State.variables['self'],
"action": harlowe.State.variables['action'],
"deaths": harlowe.State.variables['deaths'],
"book": harlowe.State.variables['book'],
"history": harlowe.State.variables['history']
dataType: "json",
data: sendData
}).done(function() {});
}<!-- Made a nice, neat, formatted footer page to make the footer nicer, neater, and most importantly, uniform across all pages. -->
^^version $version - <a href= "https://forms.gle/mc2JKRCaoz9jvtki9" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">feedback</a>^^ (if: $whategg)[<br />(checkbox: 2bind $sidebar, "debug sidebar (takes affect on the next page)")]<!-- Moved main variable initialization to this seperate page to make the "start" page more readable.
For comments, see documentation
$game to "//Not Weird. Queer//", $version to "0.0.008 alpha-af",
$name to "Welcome!", $gender to 0, $deadname to "fsn ", $ally to "pwt ",
$part to 0, $day to 0, $loop to 0,
$ryan to 0, $bus to false, $club to false, $talk to false,
$happy to 0, $self to 0, $deaths to 0,
$complete to false,
$badEnding to "This world is a cruel and unforgiving one. <br />The world crumbles around $obj and $pos vision turns black. <br /><br />$name has died. <br />$ally misses $name dearly.<br /><br />[[Game over->Restart]].",
$alpha_afEnding to "[[to be coninued…->Thank you for playing (alpha-af)]]",
$dirtyhacker to "The programmer's not sure how you got here, but you're not supposed to be here. Odds are, you're just a dirty little hacker, aren't you?<br />Though, if you didn't hack your way here, do send the programmer some feedback.<br /><br />",
$nonbinary to "Warning: Picking nonbinary pronouns in this current //will// cause the game to break. Only do so if you are in debug mode and debugging the game. <br /><br />",
$whategg to false, $sidebar to false,
$dummy to (color: "#D4D2D0")){
<!-- Certain variables need to exist when running in debug, even without going through the "character creator" and certain other prerequisite pages. -->
$name to "Connells", $deadname to "Jessica", $ally to "Caleb",
$whategg to true, $complete to false,
$happy to 0, $self to 0,
$book to "Science fiction", $share to false,
$gender to "male", $noun to "boy", $sbj to "he", $obj to "him", $pos to "his", $robj to "his", $ref to "himself",
$misgender to "female", $misnoun to "girl", $missbj to "she", $misobj to "her", $mispos to "her", $misrobj to "hers", $misref to "herself")
Select day: (cycling-link: 2bind $loop, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11") | Select part: (cycling-link: 2bind $part, "0", "1", "2") | Select outfit: (cycling-link: 2bind $outfit, "neutral", "gender", "not gender")
(live: 1.0s)[
(if: $loop is a str)[(set: $loop to (num: $loop), $day to $loop)]
(if: $part is a str)[(set: $part to (num: $part))]
(if: $part is 2)[(set: $bus to true, $club to true, $talk to true, $self to 5)]
(else:)[(set: $bus to false, $club to false, $talk to false, $self to 1)]]
During math class, $name needs to go to the bathroom. $name walks out into the hallway and has to make a choice. Which bathroom should $sbj use?
* [[$noun's room->Your bathroom]] <!--Unfortunately, $name has been told $sbj is not supposed to use this one.-->
* [[$misnoun's room->Not your bathroom]] <!--Nobody complains when $sbj uses the $misnoun's room, but $name doesn't like being associated with $noun things.-->
* [[other->No bathroom]] <!--If there was a gender-neutral bathroom, that'd be great.-->$name goes to the bathroom and does what $sbj needs to do. As $sbj walks out, $pos art teacher, Ms. Tedders, walks by.
"What were you doing in the $noun's bathroom," she demands.
"Um, using the bathroom…?"
"You can't use the $noun's bathroom, $deadname," Ms. Tedders says. "You're a $misnoun."
"You're right. I'm sorry," $name whispers before heading back to math class.
Despite the confrontation, $name still feels like $sbj did the right thing. If only other people [[understood $obj->Back to math class]]. (set: $happy to it + 1)$name goes into the $misnoun's bathroom. It bothers $obj to need to hide who $sbj is but the fear keeps $obj from doing differently. Afterward, $name heads [[back to math class->Back to math class]]. (set: $happy to it - 1)Unfortunately, $name's school doesn't have a gender-neutral bathroom. $name frowns but as $sbj really has to pee, $sbj makes a choice.
* [[$noun's room->Your bathroom]]
* [[$misnoun's room->Not your bathroom]] Back in math class, $name zones out as Mrs. Pendle goes over (nth: visits, "lowest common denominators", "basic inequalities", "exponent rules").
Eventually, it's time for [[lunch->Lunch day 3]]. $name picks a table (if: $ryan > 1)[with $ally ]and starts eating $pos sandwich.
(if: $club)[They talk about reading, writing, and the book club. $ally encourages $name to share $pos writing with the other club members because it's good.]
(else-if: $ryan > 1)[$dummy[They talk about their interests.] $name decides to invite $ally to $pos afterschool book club, and $ally enthusiastically accepts.(set: $club to true)]
(else:)[$ally sees $name sitting alone in the cafeteria and decides to join $obj. Though they're mostly silent, it's nice to have company during lunch.]
Today, no one bullies $name during the lunch period. (cond: visits is 1, "$name can't remember the last time that happened", "It's a pleasant surprise").
All too soon, it's time to go to $pos [[next class->English class part 1]]. (set: $ryan to it + 1, $happy to it + 1)^^[[$game|debug]] | (if: $name is not "Welcome!")[Name: ]$name (if:$sbj is not 0)[($sbj/$obj) ]| Days: $day (Part $part day $loop)^^
<!-- Made a nice, neat, formatted header page to make the header nicer, neater, and most importantly, uniform across all pages. -->$name heads to PE class. Coach Paul splits the class into boys and girls teams to play dodgeball. You walk over to the $noun's team(if: $ryan > 4)[ with $ally].
Coach Paul calls $name out. "$deadname, stop wasting time and get on your team already." $name shivers upon hearing //that// name.
What should $name do?
(if: $self > 1)[<li>stay on the [[$noun's team->Defend gender PE]]</li>]
<li>play on the [[$misnoun's team->Not defend gender PE]]</li>
}$name goes to $pos art class with $ally. Today, the class is (if: visit is 1)[working on](else:)[finishing up] their paper-mâché sculptures.
$ally stares quizzically at $name's sculpture. It's a stylized depiction of (if: visit is 1)[pain,
(if: $gender is "male")[covered with sharp corners and dark, jarring colors.]
(else-if: $gender is "female")[curvacious and gracefully helpless, spotted with bright, popping complementary colors.]]
(else:)[(if: $gender is "male")[masculine]
(else-if: $gender is "female")[feminine] pain.]
"What's yours about?" $ally asks.
$name frowns at $pos sculpture.
(if: $self > 1 and $ryan > 4)[<li>[[Talk about $name's hardships->Talk to Ryan day 5]]</li>]
<li>[[Evade $ally's question->Not talk to Ryan day 5]]</li>
}The last class of the day is English class. Mr. Francis is lecturing about misplaced and dangling modifiers.
As $name's taking notes, $sbj doodles
(if: $happy > 1)[(if: $gender is "male")[sexy sports cars](else-if: $gender is "female")[cats with party hats]]
(else-if: $self < 0)[a way to leave this world behind]
(else:)[nothing of particular importance]
in the margins of $pos notes.
Eventually, the bell rings.
(if: $self > -1)[$name (if: $ryan > 3)[excitedly ]heads to $pos [[after school book club->Book club part 1]](if: $club)[ with (if: $ryan < 4)[$pos new friend, ]$ally].]
(else:)[$name slowly packs $pos things and heads [[into a quiet hallway->Cry in the hallway part 1]].]
}Tomorrow morning rolls around.
$name wakes up with $self self-esteem points and a blank slate of happiness points.
(if: $self < 0)[$name had way overslept again. Hastily, $sbj threw on a (if: $gender is "male")[feminine](else-if: $gender is "female")[masculine] outfit and combed through $pos unruly hair. While rushing through the door, $pos mom chided $obj about oversleeping all the time.]
(else-if: $self > 0)[$name was awake before $pos alarm rang so $sbj had time to make $obj`self` breakfast without being late for the bus. $name picked a vaguely (if: $gender is "male")[masculine](else-if: $gender is "female")[feminine] outfit and made a sandwich for lunch.]
(else:)[$name hit snooze on $pos alarm clock twice before jumping out of bed. $name picked a gender-neutral outfit and made it out the door on time, but only because $sbj skipped breakfast.]
As $name is leaving, $pos mom calls out to $obj, "Have a good day, $deadname!"
"Thanks," $name mumbles. $name really doesn't like the name "$deadname."
[[Go catch the bus->Catch the bus part 1]] (set: $loop to 4, $day to it + 1)
(enchant: "true", (text-color: yellow))(enchant: "false", (text-color: gray))
bus: (print: $bus) | club: (print: $club) | talk: (print: $talk) | happy: $lasthappy <br />
(if: $part is 2)[outfit: $outfit | share: (print: $share) <br />]
complete: (print: $complete)
(append: ?sidebar)[
(icon-counter: bind $ryan, $ally)
(icon-counter: bind $action, "action", "actions")
(icon-counter: bind $deaths, "death", "deaths")
}(set: $ryan to it + 1, $talk to true)$name looks up at $ally.
$name: "Well, there's something I want to tell you."
$ally: "Cool."
$name: "I… don't think I'm normal."
$ally: "What do you mean by that? No one's actually 'normal,' silly.”
$name: "I don’t know. It's just that, I’ve always felt different."
$ally: "Different how…?"
$name: "You know how everyone thinks I’m a $misnoun?"
$ally: "Oh. Yeah?”
$name: "Well, I don't think I’m actually a $misnoun. I mean, I've always felt weird when people called me '$missbj' or '$misobj' or tried to associate me with (if: $gender is "male")[girly](else-if: $gender is "female")[boyish] things."
$ally: "I see."
$name looks [[down at $pos feet->Ryan accepts you]].$name decides $sbj wants to play on the $noun's team.
(if: $ryan > 4)[
(if: not $talk)[Despite not fully understanding why, ]$ally supports $obj, too. The two of them stand their ground, and Coach Paul lets $name stay on the $noun's team. (set: $ryan to it + 1, $happy to it + 1)]
(else:)[$name's classmates stare at $obj weirdly and
(if: $self > 2)[$sbj stands $pos ground. Coach Paul lets $name stay. (set: $happy to it + 1)]
(else:)[$sbj stares at the ground for a moment before walking to the $misnoun's team.]]
$name isn't particularly good at sports, but dodgeball is easy enough. The class period (if: $ryan < 6 and $self < 3)[is tolerable](else:)[goes without a hitch].
(if: $ryan > 6 and $self > 1)[$ally wants to [[talk after class->Ryan wants to talk day 4]].](else:)[[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 4]]]$name decides it's easier if $sbj plays on the $misnoun's team. (if: $ryan > 4)[$ally notices $name's discomfort but doesn't say anything. $name probably shouldn't have let it go so easily.](else:)[$name feels shitty about playing on the $misnoun's team but whatever. This is how life is.]
$name isn't particularly good at sports, but dodgeball is easy enough. The class period is tolerable.
[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 4]] (if: $self > 1)[(set: $happy to it - 1)]{
(if: visits is 1)[$name quietly shares $pos story with just $ally. <br /><br />$ally tells $name that it's really good.]
(else:)[$name shares $pos story in front of the clubroom and the other club members snap enthusiastically. <br /><br />$ally beams and tells $name that $sbj did a great job.]
The other club members share their stories and $name snaps for each one of them.
[[Go home->Go home part 1]] (set: $happy to it + 1)(if: $ryan > 3)[$ally has homework to get done, so $sbj doesn't have time to eat lunch with $name.
]$name eats $pos sandwich in peace, thinking about (if: $gender is "male")[(nth: visit, "male topic 1", "male topic 2", "male topic 3")](else-if: $gender is "female")[(nth: visit, "female topic 1", "female topic 2", "female topic 3")], when $sbj gets bullied by this girl and it sucks ass.
"Why do you dress so weird, you gay bitch?" she hollered from the other side of the lunch table.
(if: $self < 0)[$name gets angry, and wonders if there's [[another way to live->Confront the bully]].](else:)[$name burries $pos head in $pos sandwich and [[ignores her->After lunch day 4]].] (set: $happy to it -1)$ally asks $name what $sbj wrote, so $name shares $pos story with just $ally.
(if: visits is 1)[$ally [[nods supportingly->Go home part 1]]](else:)[$ally tells $name that $pos writing is really good.
$ally: "Why don't you share it with the club?"
$name: "I don't know. (if: $self < 1)[I guess I'm not that confident.]"
$ally: "It's really good. You should share it next time, okay? I think they'll love it."
$name: "Okay. Maybe next time." (if: visits > 1)[<br /><br />$name wishes $sbj had the courage to share $pos stories with the rest of the club. Maybe next time.(set: $happy to it - 1)]
[[Go home->Go home part 1]]](set: $part to 1, $loop to 1, $day to it + 1)
Part 1:
(text-style: "outline")[[[Discovery->Morning day 1]]] (set: $part to 2)
Part 2:
(text-style: "outline")[[[Choice->Morning day 7]]]$ally asks $name why $sbj insisted on playing on the $noun's team with $obj for dodgeball today. $name can tell that $sbj is truly curious and trying to help.
* [[Explain $name's reasons->Talk to Ryan day 5]]
* [[Evade $ally question->Not talk to Ryan day 5]]Tomorrow morning rolls around.
$name wakes up with $self self-esteem points and a blank slate of happiness points.
(if: $self < 0)[$name had way overslept again. Hastily, $sbj threw on a (if: $gender is "male")[feminine](else-if: $gender is "female")[masculine] outfit and combed through $pos unruly hair. While rushing through the door, $pos mom chided $obj about oversleeping all the time.]
(else-if: $self > 0)[$name was awake before $pos alarm rang so $sbj had time to make $obj`self` breakfast without being late for the bus. $name picked a vaguely (if: $gender is "male")[masculine](else-if: $gender is "female")[feminine] outfit and made a sandwich for lunch.]
(else:)[$name hit snooze on $pos alarm clock twice before jumping out of bed. $name picked a gender-neutral outfit and made it out the door on time, but only because $sbj skipped breakfast.]
$name's mom: "$deadname, honey, you have everything you need?"
$name sighs. "Yes, Mom. Love you."
$name's mom: "Love you, too. Have a good day!"
$name really wishes $pos mom didn't have to call $obj //that// name.
[[Go catch the bus->Catch the bus part 1]] (set: $loop to 5, $day to it + 1)$ally cracks a smile. "That’s actually really cool!"
$name: "Oh. You think so?"
$ally: "Yeah! I think so. You're saying that you're actually a $noun, like me."
$name: "Um, yeah. Kind of, I guess. Yeah." $name shuffles from foot to foot.
$ally: "Hey, $deadname. You okay?"
$name: "Um, I don't actually being called $deadname."
$ally: "Oh. I'm sorry."
$name: "It's okay. You didn't mean it."
$ally: "Well, is there something else I could call you?"
$name: "Um, is it okay if you call me $name instead?"
$ally: "$name. That's a cool name. I like it."
$name: "Yeah. I like it, too."
$ally: "$name, a cool name for a cool a $noun."
$name: "Yeah! Thanks."
$name laughs along with $pos friend. $name hasn't felt this good about $obj`self` since… $sbj can't remember when.
(if: not $club)[$ally: "So, what you’re doing afterschool?" <br />
$name: "Not much. Just my book club.(if: $self < 0)[ I don't even know why I keep going.]" <br />
$ally: "Can I come with?" <br />
$name smiles. "Um, of course!" (set: $club to true) <br /><br />]
(if: $day is 4)[(set: $self to it + 1)]
(cond: $loop is 2, (link-goto: "Go to the book club", "Book club part 1"), $loop is 4 or it is 5, (link-goto: "Go to lunch", "Lunch day 5"), "$dirtyhacker [[Go home->Go home part 1]]")(set: $happy to it + 1)
}$name hangs out with $ally during the lunch period. (set: $ryan to it + 1)
(if: $talk)[<br />$name: "Hey, thanks for understanding." <br />$ally: "Of course. You're my friend, $name. That's what friends are for." <br /><br />$ally called $name by the correct name. $name had no idea it'd feel this good to be validated. (set: $happy to it + 1)]
(else:)[They debate whether tacos or pizza is the superior midnight snack.]
(cond: $loop is 4, (link-goto: "Go to art class", "Art class day 4"), $loop is 5, (link-goto: "Go to the book club", "Book club part 1"), "$dirtyhacker [[Restart|Start]]") $name: "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."
$ally: "Okay."
But $sbj looks unconvinced. (if: visits > 1)[<br /><br />$name wants to tell $ally what's going on, but $sbj doesn't know how to find the right words. //Maybe next time.//(set: $happy to it - 1)]
(cond: $loop is 4, (link-goto: "Go to lunch", "Lunch day 4"), $loop is 5, (link-goto: "Go to lunch", "Lunch day 5"), "$dirtyhacker [[Go home->Go home part 1]]")$name walked up to the bully. "Why? Why do you say these things?"
The bully looked at her hand and then $name again. "Chill out, dude, I was just joking. Can't you take a joke?"
(if: $self < 0)[Stunned, $name backed up and ran [[out of the cafeteria->Cry in the hallway part 1]].](else:)[$name frowned. "It's not funny." <br />The girl sighed. "Whatever, weirdo." <br /><br />Amazingly, the bully [[left $obj alone->After lunch day 4]] for the rest of lunch.] After lunch but before $pos next class, $name meets up with $ally and tells $obj about what just happened. $ally is deeply saddened.
$ally: "She had no right to harass you like that!"
$name: "…"
$ally: "She didn't. I won't let you or anyone else tell me otherwise."
$name: "Thanks."
$ally: "No problem, $deadname.(if: $club)[ See you at the [[book club->Book club part 1]].]" {
(if: not $club)[<br /><br />[[Go to the book club->Book club part 1]]]
} (set: $happy to it + 1, $ryan to it + 1)Tomorrow morning rolls around.
$name wakes up with $self self-esteem points and a blank slate of happiness points.
Life is looking up. $name wonders what adventures life will bring next.
$name looks in $pos wardrobe. (upper-first: $sbj) has (cond: $gender is "male", "some boys\'", $gender is "female", "a few girls\'", "both girls\' and boys\'") clothes that $sbj had bought on $pos own with $pos Christmas money. On the other hand, $sbj could play it safe and just wear a $misnoun`s'` outfit.
What should $sbj wear today?
* (link-goto: (cond: $gender is "male", "boyish outfit", $gender is "female", "girly outfit", "Your gender outfit"), "Your gender clothing")
* (link-goto: (cond: $gender is "male", "girly outfit", $gender is "female", "boyish outfit", "Not your gender outfit"), "Not your gender clothing")
* [[gender-neutral outfit|gender-neutral clothing]] (set: $loop to 7, $day to it + 1)$name looks in the mirror at $pos (cond: $gender is "male", (nth: visits, "graphic t-shirt and sweat pants", "blue t-shirt and basketball shorts", "long-sleeved polo and jeans", "black t-shirt and jeans"), $gender is "female", (nth: visits, "v-neck sweater and red skirt", "lacy top and skinny jeans", "denim dress with a flower pin", "flowy sky-blue dress with pink leggings")). It's emboldening to be able to dress the way $sbj feels on the inside.
[[Go catch the bus->Catch the bus part 2]] (set: $happy to it + 1, $outfit to "gender")$name quickly throws on a (cond: $gender is "male", (nth: visits, "v-neck sweater and red skirt", "flower-print shirt and skinny jeans", "denim dress", "plain white shirt and skirt"),$gender is "female", (nth: visits, "graphic t-shirt", "t-shirt and basketball shorts", "long-sleeved polo", "outfit 4")) and hurries out to the kitchen. $name is embarrassed that $sbj didn't have to courage to express $pos true self.
[[Go catch the bus->Catch the bus part 2]] (set: $happy to it - 1, $outfit to "not gender")$name decides that $sbj doesn't feel like taking risks today, but also doesn't want to hide $obj`self`, so $sbj puts on a (nth: visits, "gender-neutral outfit"). $name figures $sbj can always fight another day.
[[Go catch the bus->Catch the bus part 2]] (set: $outfit to "neutral")$name sits on the bus with $pos friend, $ally. (if: $outfit is "gender")[$ally has a supportive reaction to $name's gender-affirming outfit](else-if: $outfit is "not gender")[$ally tells $name to take $pos time with things](else:)[$ally reminds $name that $sbj will always support $name's choices].
(either: "$name and $ally talk about stuff on the bus ride.") The weather's been warming up, and it's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming.
On days like these,
kids like you
should be [[arriving at school->Arrive at school part 2]] (set: $happy to it + 1, $ryan to it + 1)After the club meeting, $name and $ally chat a little about $dummy[(nth: visits, "chat topic 1", "chat topic 2", "chat topic 3", "chat topic 4", "chat topic 5")] while walking home.
(if: $happy < 0)[(set: $self to it - 1)]
(else-if: $happy > 1)[(set: $self to it + 1)]
(set: $lasthappy to $happy, $happy to 0, $share to false)
(if: $self < 2)[$badEnding(set: $death to true, $deaths to it + 1)]
(if: $lasthappy > 2)[The day was pretty good. Hopefully tomorrow will go well, too.]
(else-if: $lasthappy < 0)[The day was a rough one, but nothing $sbj hasn't seen before.]
(else:)[The day was okay. There was more that $name wanted to do, but tomorrow will be another.]
<br /><br />
(if: $action > 5)[$name is ready to start a [[new day->Morning day 11]].]
(else:)[$name is ready to start a (link-goto: "new day", (cond: $loop is 6 or it is 10, "Morning day 7", $loop is 7, "Morning day 8", $loop is 8, "Morning day 9", $loop is 9, "Morning day 10")).]]
}It's Saturday afternoon.
After a morning of lounging in bed and watching Cartoon Network, it's time to go hang out at the park with $ally.
[[Head to the park]] (set: $loop to 6, $day to it + 1, $part to 2)$name meets $ally at the park. They start talking about reading and books.
$name: "Um, what kind of books do you like to read?"
$ally: "Me? Oh, I like all kinds of books. I love how stories allow you to gain new experiences and new perspectives that you wouldn't otherwise."
$name nods. "Yeah. That is really cool."
$ally: "What kind of books do you like to read?"
$name: "(cycling-link: bind $book, "I don't know…", "Adventure", "Romance", "Science fiction", "Fantasy", "Horror", "Mysteries", "Manga and stuff")."
$ally: (live: 1.0s)[
(if: $book is "Adventure")["The characters in adventure books are so cool. I wish I could go on cool adventures, too."]
(else-if: $book is "Romance")["Romance novels always play out so dramatically, but deep down, they show that all love is the same. Human."]
(else-if: $book is "Science fiction")["Yeah! I love space ships and robots and aliens. It's so fun to imagine what the future will be like."]
(else-if: $book is "Fantasy")["Fantasy worlds are breathtaking. Who wouldn't want to live in a world full of magic?"]
(else-if: $book is "Horror")["Isn't it so cool when a horror book takes advantage of your lack of imagination and throws you for a loop?"]
(else-if: $book is "Mysteries")["A good mystery book is like a good puzzle. I can't put it down until I've solved it."]
(else-if: $book is "Manga and stuff")["Manga? I guess manga is literature. But I got to say, those artists are super talented."]
(event: when $book is not "I don't know…")[$name smiles at the thought. "[[Yeah->Talk about writing]]."]$ally laughs. "Hey, what're you smiling about?"
$name: "It's just nice to find someone who enjoys books, too."
$ally: "Yeah. That is nice."
$name: "It was my love of reading that led me to join the book club."
$ally: "Oh, cool! Do you like to write (if: $book is not "I don't know…")[(lowercase: $book)] outside of the club?"
$name: "(if: $book is not "I don't know…")[Well, I like to write all sorts of things, not just (lowercase: $book). But, y](else:)[Y]eah, I do. It's a really rewarding experience, expressing myself on paper."
$ally: "Yeah. Writing is really fun. I'd love to read some of your other stories sometime."
$name: "Haha. Maybe."
$ally: "Hey, have you thought about other ways of expressing yourself?"
$name: "Other ways? [[Like art->Other ways of expression]]?"$ally: "Writing is art, silly."
$name: "Yeah, I guess it is."
$ally: "I notice that sometimes, you dress like a $misnoun, but other days, you dress more gender-neutral. Why don't you try dressing like a $noun?"
$name gestures to $pos vaguely (if: $gender is "male")[masculine](else-if: $gender is "female")[feminine] outfit. "I dress like a $noun sometimes."
$ally points to $name's jacket. "That's only (link-goto: (cond: $gender is "male", "vaguely boyish", $gender is "female", "vaguely girly"), "It's not that easy")."$name and $ally talk about different things as the day goes by. Spring's here, so the weather is nice and the days are starting to get longer.
Eventually, it's time to [[go home->Go home day 6]]. (set: $happy to 3, $ryan to it + 1)$ally smiles. "Hey, that's no reason to be so cynical."
$name: "You know, there's a reason why I'm not //super expressive// about myself."
$ally: "I get that. I can't imagine what it'd be like for the world to think that I'm a $misnoun and for people to ridicule me for acting like a $noun. That must suck a lot."
$name laughs nervously. "I mean, it's just life. I kind of accept it, now."
$ally: "Still, that doesn't seem fair. I mean, why can I act like a $noun but you can't?"
$name: "I don't know. I just know that if I dress like a $misnoun and try to act like a $misnoun, the bullies mostly leave me alone."
$ally: "But you're not a $misnoun. That's not the real you. If you don't act like yourself, you're always going to be angry pretending, being someone you don't like."
$name: "Yeah. [[I guess->Lighten up a little]]." "Believe in yourself," $ally says. "I believe in you."
$name: "Thanks."
$name goes home feeling lighter about $obj`self`. Maybe if $sbj tries to express $obj`self` more, things will start getting better.
(set: $action to 0)
(if: $happy < 0)[(set: $self to it - 1)]
(else-if: $happy > 1)[(set: $self to it + 1)]
(set: $lasthappy to $happy, $happy to 0, $bus to true)
$name is ready to start a [[new week->Part 2 opening]]. $name and $ally walk to their middle school, chatting about $dummy[(nth: $day, "topic 1", "topic 2", "topic 3", "topic 4", "topic 5", "topic 6")].
(if: visits is 1)[//Today is going to be a good day,// $name thinks to $obj`self`.]
(if: $self > 6)[The morning doesn't seem as chilly as normal. Spring must be well on its way.]
(else-if: $self < 4)[Hay fever season is well on its way. $name wonders if $sbj has enough tissues with $obj]
(else:)[As $sbj walks by the other kids, $name wonders what the day will bring.]
(if: $action > 5)[[[Go to PE class|PE class day 11]]]
$loop is 7, (link-goto: "Go to biology class", "Biology class day 7"),
$loop is 8, (link-goto: "Go to English class", "English class day 8"),
$loop is 9, (link-goto: "Go to history class", "History class day 9"),
$loop is 10, (link-goto: "Go to math class", "Math class day 10")
}$ally: "Hey, I get that it's not easy. But nothing worth having is ever easy, right?"
$name smiles. "I guess that's true. Yeah."
$ally: "And hey, $name, don't sell yourself short. No one ever laughs at your writing because you're a good writer. Your stories have a lot of depth to them."
$name laughs. "Now you're just teasing me. I write about (if: $gender is "male")[PewDiePie Let's Plays](else-if: $gender is "female")[sentient Pintress boards]."
$ally: "I liked that one! You had a really confident voice throughout that story. Now, if you could be as confident about yourself as you sound in your writing, you'd be unstoppable."
$name: "That's silly."
But that idea makes $name [[feel powerful->Watch the sunset with Ryan]].In English class, $name's teacher gets fed up that only one $misnoun is answering all the questions, so he decides to pick on a $noun next. $name know the answer. What should $sbj do?
* [[Raise $pos hand->Answer English question]].
* [[Do nothing->Not English question]].
$ally is not in $name's English class, so $sbj's not there to help.(set: $bioteam to (nth: visits, "Isaac", "Evan", "Luke"))$name and $ally head to biology class. Mr. Kinsey announces that today, to finish off flower anatomy, the class will be starting group projects.
$name groans. Group projects are the worst. $name and $ally form a team of 3 with their classmate $bioteam.
Start on the [[group project->Biology group project]]. The three are working on (nth: visits, "a flower anatomy poster", "discecting and labeling a flower", "a flower anatomy study guide").
$ally addresses $name by $pos correct pronouns and $bioteam gets confused. What should $name do?
* Explain to $bioteam that $name uses [[$sbj/$obj pronouns->Defend gender biology]]
* Tell $bioteam [[not to worry about it->Don't defend gender biology]] $name explains to $bioteam that $sbj prefers $sbj/$obj pronouns.
(if: $outfit is "gender")[$bioteam thinks that's cool, and uses the correct pronouns for $name for the rest of the class period. (set: $action to it + 1.5)]
(else-if: $outfit is "not gender")[$bioteam is a little confused by this, and stumbles over $name's pronouns for the rest of the class period. (set: $action to it + 0.5)]
(else:)[$bioteam thinks that's interesting, and mostly uses the correct pronouns for $name for the rest of the class period.(set: $action to it + 1)]
After class, $ally apologizes to $name for [[putting $obj on the spot->Ryan apologizes biology]]. (set: $happy to it + 1)$name feels awkward about it, so $sbj decides not to explain anything to $bioteam.
$name: "Oh, don't worry about it, $bioteam."
$bioteam frowns but doesn't say anything more. $ally almost seems disapointed, but $name can't tell if $sbj's imagining it.
Regardless, the three work on their poster. After class, $ally apologizes to $name for [[putting $obj on the spot->Ryan apologizes biology]] (if: $outfit is "not gender")[(set: $action to it - 1, $happy to it - 1)](else-if: $outfit is "neutral")[(set: $action to it - 0.5, $defbio to false)]$ally pulls $name aside before they have to get to their next class.
$ally: "Hey, $name, I'm sorry about putting you on the spot there."
$name: "It wasn't your fault, $ally. It's nice of you to apologize, though."
$ally: "Well, it just doesn't feel right to expose you like that. I'll try to remember next time."
$name: "I mean, (if: $defbio is false)[I was just nervous just now, but ]I should be acting more like myself, right? If I'm not afraid to be a $noun, then you won't have to watch yourself."
$ally: "Well, you should do it on your terms. Anyway, see you at lunch!"
$name says goodbye to $ally and heads to [[$pos next class->History class day 7]]. (set: $ryan to it + 1)Today in history class, Mr. Coulter is (nth: visits, "playing a movie about the civil war", "lecturing about the Articles of Confederation"). $name writes a poem about (if: $gender is "male")[the perfect fps arsenal](else-if: $gender is "female")[finding the perfect shade of purple] in $pos notebook.
//History is// so //boring//.
[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 7]] $name hangs out with $ally at lunch. $ally takes a bite of $pos cafeteria sloppy joe and $name hesitantly decides to ask $obj a question.
$name: "Hey, $ally. Why did you, um, want to be my friend?"
$ally looks down at $pos messy sandwich. "When I moved here, I left everything behind," $sbj said. "Sure, the kids at my old school were pricks, but I had friends, too. I didn't have anything here."
$name: "Oh."
$ally: "But then I saw you on the bus, the quiet kid from art class with those deep, introspective sculptures. You reminded me of my old friends. I thought if I could just get you to talk to me, you'd see that I was an interesting person. Then maybe I wouldn't be so lonely anymore."
$name: "You are an interesting person, $ally."
$ally [[smiles->Don't make a fuss]].{
<!-- Made a formatting schema for important names that's uniform across all pages. -->
(enchant: $name, (text-color: lime))
(enchant: $deadname, (text-color: red))
(enchant: $ally, (text-color: cyan))
}$name goes to $pos art class with $ally. Today, the class is (if: $day is 4)[working on](else:)[finishing up] their paper-mâché sculptures.
$name's sculpture is a stylized depiction of pain,
(if: $gender is "male")[covered with sharp corners and dark, jarring colors.]
(else-if: $gender is "female")[curvacious and gracefully helpless, spotted with bright, popping complementary colors.]
"I like how your sculpture's turning out," $ally tells $name.
$name: "Huh?"
$ally: "I like how the colors and shapes come together to express this deep, (if: $gender is "male")[masculine](else-if: $gender is "female")[feminine] pain."
$name: "Thanks."
$name looks at [[$ally's sculpture->Ryan's sculpture]]$name studies $ally's sculpture. It's a fairly tall structure comprised of complex hubs stacked atop one another, each bearing its own theme. Some are monochromatic while others are speckled with rough textures. One hub even has parts of the inner copper frame intentionally left bare.
$name: "Your sculpture is really cool, too. So diverse and abstract."
$ally studies $pos own sculpture for a second. "Sure, but it's nowhere near as cool as yours, (if: $talk)[$name. Yours feels like you](else:)[$deadname]."
[[Go to the book club->Book club part 1]] $name looks pokes at $pos jacket. "Well, it's not that easy. When I write a poem or a short story, most of the time, people don't understand it enough to make fun of me. But when I try dressing like a $noun, like really going all out…"
$ally puts $pos hand on $name's shoulder. "Hey. I don't know very much about what it's like to be you, but if you don't like being associated with (if: $gender is "male")[feminine](else-if: $gender is "female")[masculine] things, I'm going to guess that you aren't happy dressing like a $misnoun, either."
$name: "Yeah, but it's scary sometimes. I can't just dress like a $noun because I want to. People make fun of me and treat me like I'm a monster just because I don't dress or act the way they think I should."
$ally: "I know, some people can be absolute shitheads, bullying you for no good reason. I got bullied a lot at my other school, for different reasons."
$name: "Oh. I didn't know that. That sucks."
$ally: "Ah, whatever. You live and people are assholes."
$name: "Yeah."
$ally: "But not everyone's an asshole, right? I don't care that you're really a $noun. You're a cool person, and I like that you're my friend."
$name: "Yeah. It's rare to find [[a friend like you->You have a choice]]." Tomorrow morning rolls around.
$name wakes up with $self self-esteem points and a blank slate of happiness points.
(if: $self > 5)[Life is looking up. $name wonders what adventures life will bring next.](else-if: $self < 3)[](else:)[]
$name looks in $pos wardrobe. What should $sbj wear today?
* (link-goto: (cond: $gender is "male", "boyish outfit", $gender is "female", "girly outfit", "Your gender outfit"), "Your gender clothing")
*(link-goto: (cond: $gender is "male", "girly outfit", $gender is "female", "boyish outfit", "Not your gender outfit"), "Not your gender clothing")
* [[gender-neutral outfit|gender-neutral clothing]] (set: $loop to 8, $day to it + 1)Tomorrow morning rolls around.
$name wakes up with $self self-esteem points and a blank slate of happiness points.
(if: $self > 5)[Life is looking up. $name wonders what adventures life will bring next.](else-if: $self < 3)[](else:)[]
$name looks in $pos wardrobe. What should $sbj wear today?
* (link-goto: (cond: $gender is "male", "boyish outfit", $gender is "female", "girly outfit", "Your gender outfit"), "Your gender clothing")
* (link-goto: (cond: $gender is "male", "girly outfit", $gender is "female", "boyish outfit", "Not your gender outfit"), "Not your gender clothing")
* [[gender-neutral outfit|gender-neutral clothing]] (set: $loop to 9, $day to it + 1)During lunch, some asshole hits on $name creepily, thinking $sbj's a $misnoun. $name tells $obj that $sbj isn't interested and asks the asshole if $sbj knew that $name's a $noun. $ally defends $name against $obj, telling creep to piss off.
(if: $outfit is "gender")["Oh. You're one of those weird gay people," the asshole says. "Miss me with that shit." Before $name could snap back at $obj, the creep leaves and joins $pos friends sitting by the door.](else-if: $outfit is "not gender")["Really?" the creep asks, looking you up and down. "You're way too cute to be a $misnoun, darling." Giggling, $missbj walks back to $pos friends sitting by the door.](else:)["Oh, really?" the creep asks. "Oh, yeah, right. I'll give you some time to reconsider, darling." After lingering creepily for a few seconds, $sbj leaves and joins $pos friends by the door.]
$name [[shakes $pos head->Reacting to the creeper]]. (set: $happy to it - 1)$name and $ally go to lunch.
$ally: "Hey, so, I'm curious how you chose your name."
$name: "Well, it's kind of embarassing."
$ally: "Oh, yeah? Now you have to tell me."
$name: "Okay. But don't complain when it comes out sappy."
$ally smiled. "I'm listening."
$name shrugged. "So, when I was in elementary school, I had a really cool friend named $name. I really looked up to $obj and I wanted to be more like $obj."
$ally: "That's not sappy at all. That's actually a cool reason to pick a name."
$name: "I guess."
$ally: "So, what's the other $name doing right now?"
$name: "Oh, you know, $sbj moved away when $pos dad got a different job. It was different, back then. We were in fourth grade and after a while, we just kinda [[lost touch->The other Jake]]."$name and $ally go to the afterschool book club.
$name writes a story about $dummy[(nth: $day, "day 1 topic", "day 2 topic", "day 3 topic")]. When $sbj showes $ally, $sbj tells $name that it's really good, and (if: (history:) contains "Not share your story part 2" and $day is 7)[convinces $obj ]that other people will like it.
Soon, it's time for everyone to (link-goto: "share their writing", (cond: $loop is 7 and visits is 1, "Story sharing day 7", $loop is 8 and visits is 2, "Story inspiration", $action > 5, "Story sharing day 10", "Story sharing part 2")). Mr. Francis frowns at $name. "$deadname, I'm only picking on $noun`s`, so you can put your hand down."
$name takes a deep breath. "Well, I am a $noun, and I know the answer."
(if: $outfit is "gender")[Mr. Francis shrugs and looks around the room before calling on $name. (set: $action to it + 1.5)]
(else-if: $outfit is "not gender")[Mr. Francis tells you that he's in no mood to joke around. He calls on two other $noun`s`, who both get the question wrong, before finally calling on $name. (set: $action to it + 0.5)]
(else:)[Mr. Francis is visibly confused. He sighs deeply before calling on $name. (set: $action to it + 1)]
Of course, $name answers the question correctly. (if: $outfit is "not gender")[Even though Mr. Francis was a bit of an ass about it, at least $name got to answer the question in the end.]
[[Talk to $ally after class->After answer English question]] (set: $happy to it + 1)Mr. Francis calls on three different $noun`s` before one of them answers the question correctly. $name knew the answer, so $sbj feels bad that $sbj just let it go so easily.
(if: $outfit is "gender")[//Well, Mr. Francis is a sexist and besides, $ally isn't here,// $name rationalizes. //Still,// ]//I should probably stand up for myself next time.//
[[Talk to $ally after class->After not English question]](if: $outfit is "not gender")[(set: $action to it - 1, $happy to it - 1)](else-if: $outfit is "neutral")[(set: $action to it - 0.5)]$name meets up with $ally after English class and tells $obj what happened.
$ally: "Yeah, that Mr. Francis guy is a dick. I'm sorry you have to put up with him."
$name: "Well, he let me answer (cond: $outfit is "gender", "anyway,", $outfit is "not gender", "only because no one else knew the answer,", $outfit is "neutral", "eventually,") so it was okay in the end."
$ally: "That was really brave of you to stand up to him."
$name frowns for a moment. "Yeah, I guess it was. It was a little scary, but in the end, I'm glad that I did it. It feels nice to stand up for myself."
$ally: "Yeah. It is."
$name: "Hey, $ally. Thanks."
$ally: "Thanks? For what?"
$name: "For believing in me."
$ally: "Of course. Thanks for being my friend, too."
[[Go to lunch with $ally->Lunch day 8]] $name meets up with $ally after English class and tells $obj what happened.
$ally: "That Mr. Francis guy is a dick. I'm sorry you have to put up with him."
$name: "Yeah. He's really scary. I'm not sure what would've happened if I had actually tried to answer his question."
$ally: "I guess you'll never know if you never try."
$name: "I guess so. Maybe next time, I'll take the chance."
$ally smiles. "Well, only if you're comfortable, $name."
$name: "Hey, $ally. Thanks."
$ally: "Thanks? For what?"
$name: "For believing in me."
$ally: "Of course. Thanks for being my friend, too."
[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 8]] When $name meets up with $ally at lunch, $sbj tells $obj about what happened in history class.
(if: (history:)'s last is "React to bully calmly")[
$name: "I composed myself and told him why he was wrong."<br />
$ally: "Wow, nice. Did that work?" <br />
$name: "Yeah. I mean, he didn't appologize or anything, but it got him to shut up without making a big fuss in front of the teacher." <br />
$ally: "Nice."]
(elseif: (history:)'s last is "React to bully angrily")[
$name: "He was getting all up in my face so I got really upset at him and then we almost fought." <br />
$ally: "Oh." <br />
$name: "I mean, I don't think he wanted to get the teacher's attention so he backed down in the end, but that didn't feel good. I don't like fighting people." <br />
$ally: "Yeah, I'm glad you didn't get into a fight. That guy's a real dick, huh?"]
(elseif: (history:)'s last is "No react to bully")[
$name: "I didn't feel like doing anything so I just sat there and let him go on." <br />
$ally: "What?"<br />
$name: "I didn't want to fight him. I didn't know what to do." <br />
$ally: "That's how it is, sometimes. I wish that hadn't happened."]
$name: "Anyway, let's talk about something more lighthearted. I've had enough of him for the day."
$ally smiles. "[[Sure|Talk about books]]."$name goes to $pos art class with $ally. Today, the class is (if: visit > 2)[finishing up](else:)[working on] sculptures made from recycled materials.
$name is making a $dummy[(cond: $gender is "male", "masculine sculpture idea", $gender is "female", "feminine sculpture idea", "a mixture of feminine and masculine ideas")].
$ally is also working on a sculpture of $pos own with some sort of recycled materials.
[[Book club part 2]] (if: $gender is "male")[(set: $mathbud to "Dylan")](else-if: $gender is "female")[(set: $mathbud to "Jaina")]$name goes to math class. Today, they're just catching up on past assignments. $name decides to do tonight's homework.
$name's sitting next to $mathbud, a $noun that $name had gone to elementary school with. Though they don't know each other that well, $name has always had a fairly positive opinion of $mathbud.
(if: visits is 1)[$mathbud: "Hey, $deadname." <br />
$name turns to look at them. "Yeah?" <br />
$mathbud: "I saw your last sculpture on Ms. Tedders's new art display. I thought your sculpture looked really amazing. Oh, and I have her for drawing class. That's how I saw it." <br />
$name: "Oh, thank you, $mathbud." <br/>
$mathbud: "Oh, no need to thank me. You capture this feeling of darkness really well, even though the (if: $gender is "male")[shapes](else-if: $gender is "female")[colors] you used weren't dark at all."
<li>Explain $name's [[personal connection->Explain art gender]] to $pos sculpture</li>
<li>Play off $name's scuplture as inspired by a [[good book->Not explain art gender]]</li>
(else:)[$mathbud and $name talk about the apparent weirdness of (art teacher). It turns out $mathbud is actually a pretty funny person.
<br /><br />
[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 10]]]
}(set: $happy to it + 1)Tomorrow morning rolls around.
$name wakes up with $self self-esteem points and a blank slate of happiness points.
(if: $self > 5)[Life is looking up. $name wonders what adventures life will bring next.](else-if: $self < 3)[](else:)[]
$name looks in $pos wardrobe and decides to put on (cond: $gender is "male", "a boyish outfit", $gender is "female", "a girly outfit", "a gender-neutral outfit") today. $name is pleased with the way the outfit turned out.
[[Go catch the bus->Catch the bus part 2]] (set: $loop to 11, $day to it + 1)$name heads to English class. Mr. Francis (if: (history:) contains "After answer English question")[still ]refers to $obj as a $misnoun. Should $name correct him(if: (history:) contains "After answer English question")[ again]?
(if: (history:) contains "After answer English question")[<li>[[Yes, and get angry->Defend gender angrily English]]</li>]
<li>(link-goto: (cond: (history:) contains "After answer English question", "Yes, but stay calm", "Defend $name's gender"), "Defend gender calmly English")</li>
<li>(link-goto: (cond: (history:) contains "After answer English question", "No, do nothing", "Do nothing"), "Don't defend gender English")</li>
}$name and $ally go to PE class. Today, the class is playing tennis.
Even though neither of them are very good at tennis, $name and $ally teamed up and have a lot of fun standing around and chatting, waiting in between games at the "overflow" court. They didn't get a chance to play that much tennis, but chilling in the cool morning sun was rewarding in its own way.
[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 11]] (set: $happy to it + 1)$name: "I told you that I'm a $noun. Don't you even bother to listen, Mr. Francis?"
Mr. Francis: $dummy[(angry retorts)]
$name: $dummy[(angry defending)]
Mr. Francis: $dummy[(gets annoyed and just calls $name by the right gender)]
Though $name seems to have won that encounter, agitating Mr. Francis doesn't seem like the right choice of action.
[[Go to the book club->Book club part 2]](if: $outfit is "gender")[(set: $action to it + 0.5, $happy to it + 1)](else-if: $outfit is "not gender")[(set: $action to it - 0.5)]{
(if: (history:) contains "After answer English question")[$name explains once again that $pos gender is $gender. That means $sbj wants to be treated like a $noun.]
(else:)[$name explains that $pos gender is $gender, and that $sbj'd like to be treated like a $noun.]
Getting people to repsepct $name's gender is an uphill battle, but calm and collected is the way to win the war.
[[Go to the book club->Book club part 2]](if: $outfit is "gender")[(set: $action to it + 1.5)](else-if: $outfit is "not gender")[(set: $action to it + 0.5), (set: $action to it + 1)](else:)[(set: $happy to it + 1)]{
(if: (history:) contains "After answer English question")[Even though $name has already told Mr. Francis about $pos gender, $sbj decides that Mr. Francis is too stubborn to bother correcting.]
(else:)[$name decides to let it go. There are other battles $sbj can fight(if: $outfit is "not gender")[, and other days to fight them. This is not $name's day].]
(if: $self < 4)[[[Go to the hallway->Cry in the hallway part 2]]](else:)[[[Go to the book club->Book club part 2]]] (if: $outfit is "not gender")[(set: $action to it - 1, $happy to it - 1)](else-if: $outfit is "neutral")[(set: $action to it - 0.5)]$name and $ally go to the afterschool book club.
$name: "Hey, $ally, wanna write a story together?"
$ally: "Huh?"
$name: "Well, I really like your ideas, and I thought if we wrote a story together, it'd be an even better story than one either of us wrote separately."
$ally takes a moment to think. "Well, I can't promise it won't be better than something you can do, since you're a way better writer than me, but it's worth a shot."
$name: "Sweet!"
The two of them draft a story about (if: $gender is "male")[aliens that only eat fingers](else-if: $gender is "female")[something girly, I don't know]. By the time it's time to share, both $name and $ally agree that the story is really clever and original.
[[Share their story->Story sharing day 11]]. $name decides to explain to $mathbud the personal significance of the (if: $gender is "male")[masculine](else-if: $gender is "female")[feminine] pain depicted in $pos sculpture.
(if: $outfit is "gender")[
$mathbud: "Oh, that makes a lot of sense. It's pretty cool that you see yourself as a $noun." <br />
$name: "Oh, yeah?" <br />
$mathbud: "Well, keep being you, $name. Everyone else is taken, right?" <br />
$name smiles. "Yeah." (set: $action to it + 1.5)]
(else-if: $outfit is "not gender")[
$mathbud: "So, you see yourself as a $noun?"
$name: "Yeah."
$mathbud: "Well, I guess that's cool. You do you."
$name: "Yeah." (set: $action to it + 0.5)]
$mathbud: "Oh, that's really cool. I didn't know that you saw yourself as a $noun." <br />
$name: "Oh, yeah." <br />
$mathbud: "Well, keep being you, $name. If you're not you, then who is?" <br />
$name smiles. "Yeah." (set: $action to it + 1)]
$mathbud: "Anyway, don't ever stop making art. You've got a good eye."
$name: "Thanks, $mathbud."
$name is surprised at how $mathbud reacts to $pos art. $mathbud is actually a pretty cool person.
[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 10]] (set: $happy to it + 1)$name tells $mathbud that $sbj was inspired by this book that $sbj recently read. $mathbud isn't really into books, but agrees that that book sounds cool.
$mathbud: "Anyway, don't ever stop making art. You've got a good eye."
$name: "Thanks, $mathbud."
$name wonders how $mathbud would've reacted to $name's gender, but quickly dismisses the thought. Not every interaction is a challenge to $pos gender, and sometimes, it's okay to take a break and just live.
[[Go to lunch->Lunch day 10]]$name shares $pos story. After everyone's done snapping, (nth: $day, "the eigth grader", "the club president", "Cami Newton", "$pos classmate") asks $name what inspired today's story.
* Share $name's [[true inspiration->Share your inspiration]]
* Say something [[vaugely related->Not share your inspiration]]$name shares $pos story with the club. They appreciate the odd humor that $sbj put into (if: $gender is "male")[(nth: $day, "male topic 1", "male topic 2", "male topic 3")](else-if: $gender is "female")[(nth: $day, "female topic 1", "female topic 2", "female topic 3")].
$ally: "That one was really cool. I told you people would like it."
$name: "I'm sure they're only snapping because it's polite."
$ally: "I'll go after Cami to prove to you that they like your stuff more than mine."
$name rolls $pos eyes, but Cami starts reading before $sbj can reply.
[[$ally shares->Ryan shares]] (set: $happy to it + 1, $share to true)$ally: "You're not sharing today?"
$name: "I don't think so."
$ally: "I really do think people are going to like your thing today."
$name: "Nah. I don't really feel like it today."
$ally: "Well, okay, then I'm going to share."
$name: "What?" Before $sbj can say anything more, $ally is already in front of the classroom with $pos notebook.
[[Watch $ally share->Ryan shares]] (set: $happy to it - 1, $share to false)$name goes to $pos PE class with $ally. Today's just a fitness day, so they run the mile together. The weather isn't too warm yet for running, yet, which $name is grateful for. $ally goes on and on about $pos $dummy[(cond: $gender is "male", "male topic", $gender is "female", "female topic", "nonbinary topic")] while $name just listens along and chimes in when $sbj feels like it.
It wasn't $name's best mile, but $ally's silly antics sure made up for it.
[[Go to the book club->Book club part 2]] (set: $happy to it + 1)$name meets up with $ally at biology class. They're finally done with flower parts, and today, Mr. Kinsey is introducing the class to punnet squares with traits of pea plants.
//Pea plants are even weirder than flower genders,// $name thinks to $obj`self`.
[[$ally whispers to $name->Ryan whispers to you]]$name: "Is it just me, or was that (if: $gender is "male")[guy](else-if: $gender is "female")[chick] kind of an asshole?"
$ally: "I'd say so. If $sbj was really interested, $sbj wouldn't have been so rude after you told $obj that you're a $noun."
$name: "Yeah, $sbj's not worth my time if $sbj's so disrespectful." (if: $outfit is "gender")[<br />$ally: "Besides, being trans has nothing to do with being gay."<br />$name thinks if over for a seccond. "Yeah. Exactly!"<br />]Even though the weirdo ended up leaving $name alone, $sbj still shivers slightly at the memory.
(if: $happy > -1)[$ally: "Hey, $name, forget about that prick. Your next sculpture isn't going to build itself!"
$name: (cond: visits is 1, "\"I'm actually not sure what to make next. The next project is like recycled art?\"", "\"Yeah, making art from recycled materials is an interesting idea.\"")
$ally: (cond: visits is 1, "\"Maybe? I'm sure whatever it is, you'll do great.\"", "\"Yeah. Enviornmentally respectful.\"")
[[Go to art class->Art class part 2]]](else:)[
$ally: "Hey, $name you okay?"
$name: "Huh? Yeah, just give me a moment. I want to think."
$name heads [[out of the cafeteria->Cry in the hallway part 2]].]$ally reads $pos short poem in front of class. It's a (nth: $day, "few repeating lines about the life of a cat", "strangely bouncy (lowercase: $book) poem", "philisophical piece about climate change"). $ally's voice shakes slightly as $sbj reads, something that surprises $name as $ally is usually such a fearless, outgoing person.
$name snaps enthusiastically for $pos friend, but notices that $ally is right about the other club members. Even though $name thought that $ally's poem was great, the other club members just aren't snapping as loudly for $ally. (if: $share is false)[$name regrets not sharing $pos story, if only for $ally's sake.]
[[Talk to $ally->After Ryan shares]]$name and $ally share their story in front of the club, alternating reading paragraphs. Their story is fun, exciting, and weird. The club memebers laugh throughout their tale and by the end are clapping enthusiastically. $name and $ally beam proudly.
$ally: "I'm so glad you talked me into writing a story with you. That was so much fun!"
$name: "Actually, I kind of got the idea when you presented yesterday. You had really cool ideas, and I wanted to work with your ideas."
$ally: "Aw, thanks, $name. I'm glad I became your friend."
$name smiles. "Me, too."
[[Go home->Go home day 11]]Tomorrow morning rolls around.
$name wakes up with $self self-esteem points and a blank slate of happiness points.
(if: $self > 5)[Life is looking up. $name wonders what adventures life will bring next.](else-if: $self < 3)[](else:)[]
$name looks in $pos wardrobe. What should $sbj wear today?
* (link-goto: (cond: $gender is "male", "boyish outfit", $gender is "female", "girly outfit", "Your gender outfit"), "Your gender clothing")
* (link-goto: (cond: $gender is "male", "girly outfit", $gender is "female", "boyish outfit", "Not your gender outfit"), "Not your gender clothing")
* [[gender-neutral outfit|gender-neutral clothing]] (set: $loop to 10, $day to it + 1)$name starts out lunch with $ally and they hang out as much as they can while eating as $ally has something to get done during the lunch period. $ally bids $name goodbye and leaves to work on $pos project.
[[Wander the field]] $dummy[$name gets bullied. Details coming soon.] What should $name do?
* [[defend $obj`self` calmly->React to bully calmly]]
* [[defend $obj`self` angrily->React to bully angry]]
* [[do nothing->Not react to bully]](set: $happy to it - 1)$ally: "Oh. That's kinda sad. Do you still miss $obj?"
$name shrugs. "I guess, sometimes. It doesn't really matter. I bet $sbj doesn't even remember me."
$ally: "How could $sbj forget someone as cool as you? Maybe when we grow up, you can go find $obj and say hi or something."
$name: "That's a silly idea, $ally."
$ally: "Yeah. I moved here this year, and sometimes, I still miss the kids from my old school. I mean, most of them were pricks, but some of them were good kids. I'd like to think that if I remember them, some of them still remember me."
$name: "Yeah. Some of them must."
$ally: "Anyway, '$name' is a super cool name and I'm sure the other $name will be super jealous when $sbj finds out you stole $pos name."
$name: "You can't //steal// a name. That's not how names work. I know multiple '$ally`s`' at this school."
$ally: "Sure, but it's cooler when you say it like that."
[[Go to biology class->Biology class day 11]] The book club president asks if there are any volunteers. $name looks down at $pos story.
* [[Share $name's story->Share your story day 10]]
* [[Do nothing->Not share your story day 10]] The book club president asks if there are any volunteers. $name looks down at $pos story.
* [[Share $name's story->Share your story day 7]]
* [[Do nothing->Not share your story day 7]] $ally asks $name what $sbj wrote, so $name shares $pos story with just $ally.
$ally tells $name that $pos writing is really good.
$ally: "Why don't you share it with the club?"
$name: "I don't know. I guess I could."
$ally: "It's really good. You should share it next time, okay? I think they'll love it."
$name: "Okay. Maybe next time."
$name decides that next time, $sbj has to share $pos story, if only for $ally's sake.(set: $happy to it - 1)
[[Go home->Go home part 2]]]$name shares $pos story and the other club members snap enthusiastically. The club president compliments $name before asking the next person to present.
$ally beams and tells $name that $sbj did a great job.
[[Go home->Go home part 2]] (set: $happy to it + 1)$name explains to (nth: $day, "the eigth grader", "the club president", "Cami", "$pos classmate") $pos inspiration behind the (nth: $day, "day 1 topic", "day 2 topic", "day 3 topic") story, including some of $pos struggles with implicit gender biases. (nth: $day, "The eigth grader", "The club president", "Cami", "$pos classmate") is facinated by $name's experiences and tells $name to keep up the good work.
$ally sneaks up on $name as soon as the conversation is over.
$ally: "I told you your writing is good!"
$name: "I'm sure she's just being nice."
$ally: "How am I ever going to convince you that you're a good writer?"
$name laughs. "Don't worry, $ally. Even if I'm not as good as you say, I'm not going to stop anytime soon."
$ally: "Now, that's truly good news."
[[Go home->Go home part 2]] (set: $happy to it + 1)$name tells (nth: $day, "the eigth grader", "the club president", "Cami", "$pos classmate") that $sbj was inspired by a book $sbj read once. When (nth: $day, "the eigth grader", "the club president", "Cami", "the classmate") asks which book it was, $name laughs nervously and jokes that $sbj can't remember what it was called because it's been a while since $sbj read it.
(nth: $day, "The eigth grader", "The club president", "Cami", "$name's classmate") seems kind of skeptical, but tells $name to keep up the good work.
//That didn't go so well,// $name realized. //It wouldn't hurt to just tell them, would it?// (if: visits > 1)[(set: $happy to it - 1)]
[[Go home->Go home part 2]] $name and $ally walk home together as they've been doing for the past few weeks. It's really cool to walk with a friend along the familar path back home.
$name: "Hey, $ally, the weekend's coming up."
$ally: "Indeed it is."
$name: "Wanna, like, hang out on Saturday?"
$ally: "Ooh, yeah! Let's go to the pier! It's finally warm enough to just sit by the water without freezing your butt off."
$name: "Oh, you've been to the pier when it wasn't freezing before?"
$ally: "I moved here in the summer. Of course I've gone. Everyone loves the pier."
$name: "True that. Sounds like a plan."
$ally: "Yup. See you Saturday, then."
$name: "Can't wait."
Today was a surprisingly good day(if: $self > 8)[ among a string of good days]. Life sure is looking up.
$name is ready to start [[$pos weekend->Afternoon day 12]]. {
(set: $happy to it + 1)
(if: $happy < 0)[(set: $self to it - 1)]
(else-if: $happy > 1)[(set: $self to it + 1)]
(set: $lasthappy to $happy, $happy to 0, $share to false)
}Once again, it's finally Saturday afternoon.
After a morning of lounging in bed and watching Cartoon Network, it's time to go relax at the pier with $ally.
[[Head to the pier]] (set: $loop to 6, $day to it + 1, $part to 2)$ally: "Hey, wanna know an easier way to make smooth peas than all this breeding nonsense?"
$name: "How?"
$ally: "Just use glossy paint."
Despite the joke being so bad, $name can't help but smile. $ally smiles back as Mr. Kinsey continues lecturing on dominant and recessive traits.
[[Go to the book club->Book club day 11]] (set: $happy to it + 1)$ally: "Yeah, but you're like way cooler. You're so good at writing. And don't get me started on your art!"
$name: "Stop teasing me!"
$ally: "I'm not teasing you! You've got to show me some of your other writing sometime."
$name: "Okay, I will, but only if you don't make such a big fuss about it."
$ally: "I only say it's good because it is good."
$name: "Well, I think your writing is really good, and you don't believe me."
$ally: "Touché, $name. Touché."
[[Go to the book club->Book club part 2]] $ally sits back down next to $name looking exhasted.
$ally: "So, what did you think?"
$name: "I think that was an amazing poem."
$ally: "Well, nowhere near as good as your stuff. And the audience agreed, wouldn't you say so?"
$name: "Well, I think you did great."
$ally shrugged. "No, I'm just not that good at writing. But that's okay I'm more of a visual artist, anyway."
$name frowns. $ally has really great ideas for stories, but it was just that $pos pacing and delivery was a little off. What if there was a way to help $ally solve $pos confidence problems?
The other club members are dispersing. It's time to [[head home->Go home part 2]] $name finally wakes up after $pos alarm rings for the fourth time. $name quickly throws on a vaguely (if: $gender is "male")[boyish](else-if: $gender is "female")[girly] outfit and rushes to the kitchen to grab some breakfast, inevitably running into $pos mom.
$name's mom: "$deadname, if you don't hurry up, you're going to be late, again."
$name cringes at the mention of //that// name. "Okay, Mom. I'm going. Love you."
$name's mom: "Love you, too. Have a good day!"
$name doesn't like being referred to as $deadname, but that's the name $sbj was given. With a heavy sigh, $name grabs $pos backpack and jumps out the door.
[[Go catch the bus->Catch the bus day 1]] $name walks to the bus stop and gets on the next bus. There are three open seats left. $name is shy so $sbj sits alone.
[[On the bus alone day 1]]$name sees $pos classmate $ally sitting a few rows away and wonders if $sbj would have liked company. Before $sbj gains the courage to sit with $ally, the bus doors close and it's too late for $name to get up and switch seats.
//It's fine. I// chose //to be lonely today, that's all.// But $sbj almost wishes that $sbj hadn't.
[[Arrive at school->Arrive at school day 1]]$name arrives at school, wearing $pos jacket around $pos waist. The morning is surprisingly warm compared to last week. Spring must be on its way.
[[Go to history class->History class day 1]]$dummy[$name goes to history class and doodles in $pos notebook.]
While the class is working on some classwork, one of $name's classmates comes up and picks on [[the way $sbj acts|Get bullied]].$name eats $pos sandwich alone at lunch, watching the other kids laugh and talk. Any moment, one of them could refocus their attention at laughing at $obj. Lunch is a stressful ordeal.
[[Avoid attention]]Today, in art class, $name's class is finishing up their self-portraits. Since $sbj had already finished $robj last class, $sbj is writing in $pos notebook. A few other kids are also finished.
$name isn't sure if $sbj wants to [[talk|Talk to art classmate]] to one of them or [[not|Not talk to art classmate]]. $dummy[$name gets bullied for how $sbj acts. $name's not very good at pretending to be a $misnoun.]
Thankfully, it's soon [[lunch time|Lunch day 1]].$name tries to talk to $pos classmate, Sophia. They make strained small-talk. $name wishes $sbj could express $obj`self` better.
[[Return to notebook|Write in notebook]]$name feels shy and decides not to bother $pos classmates. $name wishes $sbj could express $obj`self` better.
[[Return to notebook|Write in notebook]]Despite doing $pos best, some older classmates at the end of the lunch table notices $name sitting all by $obj`self`.
Classmate 1: "Hey, look at that weirdo over there."
Classmate 2: "What kinda $misnoun dresses like that?"
Classmate 3: "Gotta be (cond: $gender is "male", "a man-hater", $gender is "female", "gay", "$dummy[insert insult here]") or something.
Classmate 1: "Haha, definitely."
Even though $name's not quite done with $pos sandwich, $sbj gets up and finishes $pos lunch on the field. At least the next class is one $name enjoys, [[art|Art class day 1]]. $name loves to write short stories and poems. It's the only way $sbj can really express $obj`self`. $name likes writing so much, $sbj joined the middle school book club. Though $sbj doesn't know anyone in the book club, $name enjoys the oportunity to write and listen to the others stories.
Head to the [[afterschool book club|Book club day 1]]. $name goes to the afterschool book club. As soon as $sbj sits down, $sbj starts writing.
Today, $sbj is writing a poem about the struggle of looking like a $misnoun when $sbj hates most (if: $gender is "male")[girly](else-if: $gender is "female")[boyish] things through the metaphor of film written in a language no one understands. It's a really personal piece, and $name is really proud of how it turned out.
Soon, it is time for everyone to [[share their pieces of writing->Story sharing day 1]]. Every day, the book club president asks if there are any volunteers. The same few kids who always share immediately volunteer.
$name listens as the other club members, mostly kids older than $obj, share their fun, wacky stories and freeform poetry. $name usually doesn't share, but $sbj wishes $sbj had the courage to. After every person who shares, all the club members polietly snap their fingers in encouragement. $name always snaps along, wondering if $sbj should go next, but $sbj rarely gains the courage to.
Soon, it's time to [[go home->Go home day 1]].After book club, $name walks home by $obj`self`. During the colder months, sometimes $sbj'd have to skip $pos book club meetings in order to catch the bus home, especially when it rained, but since the weather's been nice, $name had decided it was worth going to book club.
The day was a rough one, but nothing $sbj hasn't seen before.
$name is ready to start a [[new day->Morning day 2]]. $name stops in the hallway and checks to see that no one else is there.
(if: $self < 2)[$badEnding(set: $deaths to it + 1)](else:)[The day's been rough but $name calms down and makes it to through the school day.
(cond: $loop is 6, "Join $ally at [[art class->Art class part 2]]", $loop is 10, (link-goto: "Go to the book club", "Book club part 2"), "$dirtyhacker [[Go home->Go home part 2]]")(set: $happy to it + 1)]$name heads out to the field and wanders alone in the quiet landscape, thinking. (if: visits is 1)[(if: $gender is "male")[(set: $popkid to "Elise")](else-if: $gender is "female")[(set: $popkid to "Jeremy")]After a while, $sbj runs into $pos classmate $popkid. They had gone to the same elementary school, but rarely talked since $popkid mostly hung out with the "popular" kids. It was strange to see her out in the field, alone.
(if: $outfit is "gender" or it is "neutral")[$popkid asks $name about $pos odd outfit. Before $name can reply, $popkid asks why $name can't just pretend to be a $misnoun.
<br />
$name genuinely thinks about it for a moment and plainly tells $popkid that $sbj can't because $sbj's a $noun. <br/>
$popkid: "Interesting." $popkid walks away.]
(else:)[$popkid compliments $name's outfit for being (if: $gender is "male")[really pretty](else:)[badass and manly].
<br />
$name tries to take $popkid's words as a compliment the best $sbj can even though it makes $obj feel angry about $obj`self`.]
}(set: $happy to it - 1)](else:)[The weather is nice and $sbj brainstorms an idea for the book club before the bell rings for the end of lunch period.]
[[Go to English class->English class day 10]] $dummy[The peacful option gives $name the best outcome. ]
[[Go to lunch|Lunch day 9]] (if: $outfit is "gender")[(set: $action to it + 1.5)](else-if: $outfit is "not gender")[(set: $action to it + 0.5)](else:)[(set: $action to it + 1)](set: $happy to it + 1)$name becomes angry at the bully, and the two almost get violent. At the end, the bully gives up, avoiding a physical confrontation.
$name doesn't feel worse than before, but this doesn't feel like the right reaction.
[[Go to lunch|Lunch day 9]] (if: $outfit is "gender")[(set: $action to it + 0.5)](else-if: $outfit is "not gender")[(set: $action to it - 0.5)]$name sits there silently as the bully berates $obj. This is a shitty experience. Why didn't $name fight back? Why?
[[Go to lunch|Lunch day 9]] (if: $outfit is "neutral")[(set: $action to it - 0.5)](else-if: $outfit is "not gender")[(set: $action to it - 1)](set: $happy to it - 1)$name shares $pos story with the club. The other club memebers loved $pos story.
[[Go home part 2]]{(set:$allNames to "")
(for: each _name, ...(history: ))[
(set:$allNames to it + ", " + _name)
You've visited: $allNames$name and $pos friend $ally have made great strides in understanding themselves, and their adventure will soon come to a close, but the ending hasn't yet been written. Go forth, brave soul, and enjoy the alpha-af ending. Of course, don't forget to leave some feedback!
$alpha_afEnding (set: $loop to 12, $day to it + 1, $part to 3)The book club president asks if there are any volunteers.
$ally: "You going to share today?"
$name: "I don't know. Maybe."
$ally: "Oh, come on. Your stuff is awesome!
$name: "Okay. I'll present."
$ally: "I mean, I don't want to force you or anything…"
$name looks down at $pos story.
* [[Share $pos story->Share your story after talk]]
* [[Do nothing->Not share your story after talk]]$name shares $pos story and the other club members snap enthusiastically.
$ally: "Told you they'd love it."
$name: "Haha. Whatever."
$ally: "Why won't you just believe me, $name?"
$name: "Shh, the next kid's reading!"
$name and $ally watch the other club members present their writing. All too soon, it's time to [[go home->Go home day 5]]. (set: $happy to it + 1)$ally asks $name what $sbj wrote, so $name shares $pos story with just $ally.
$ally: "Hey, that was really good."
$name: "You think so?"
$ally: "Of course! Still, you don't have to share your writing if you don't want to. I mean, sharing isn't for everyone."
$name: "No, I'll probably share next time."
$ally: "Really? I think they'll love it."
[[Go home->Go home day 5]]$ally stops $name before they part ways for the day.
$ally: "Hey, $name. Want to hang out this weekend?"
$name: "Yeah, that sounds fun."
$ally: "Saturday afternoon at the park?"
$name: "Okay."
$ally: "Sounds good. See you then!"
It's really cool to hear $ally call $obj "$name" instead of "$deadname." (set: $happy to it + 1)
That day went surprisingly well. $name is feeling hopeful for tomorrow.
$name is ready to start [[$pos weekend->Afternoon day 6]]. {
(if: $happy < 0)[(set: $self to it - 1)]
(else-if: $happy > 2 and $self < 5)[(set: $self to it + 1)]
(set: $lasthappy to $happy, $happy to 0, $bus to false)
}$nonbinary(link-undo: "Return to pronoun choice")
(set: $gender to "enby", $noun to "kid", $sbj to "they", $obj to "them", $pos to "their", $robj to "theirs", $ref to "themself")
Pick a sex assigned at birth:
* [[Male|Nonbinary-femme]]
* [[Female|Nonbinary-masc]]
* (either: "[[Random|Nonbinary-femme]]", "[[Random|Nonbinary-masc]]"){
(if: $whategg and $sidebar)[
(append: ?sidebar)[
(icon-counter: bind $self, "self-esteem")
(icon-counter: bind $happy, "happy pt", "happy, pts")
$deadname to (either: "Owen", "Ryan", "Kyle"),
$ally to (either: "Allison", "Jessica", "Zoë"),
$choices to (ds: "Abby", "Gabby", "Emily", "Katie", "Peyton", "Ciara"),
$misgender to "male", $misnoun to "boy", $missbj to "he", $misobj to "him", $mispos to "his", $misrobj to "his", $misref to "himself")
(set: $name to (prompt: "What is your name?", (either: ...$choices)))
(event: when $name is $ally)[(set: $name to (prompt: "$ally: I already picked that name, silly.", (either: ...$choices)))]
(event: when $name is $deadname)[(set: $name to (prompt: "Please pick a different name.", (either: ...$choices)))]
}(live: 1s)[(set: $name to (trimmed: $name))]
$deadname to (either: "Jessica", "Allison", "Zoë"),
$ally to (either: "Sean", "Kyle", "Ryan"),
$choices to (ds: "Tyler", "Jason", "Jake", "Peter", "Cole", "Andrew"),
$misgender to "female", $misnoun to "girl", $missbj to "she", $misobj to "her", $mispos to "her", $misrobj to "hers", $misref to "herself")
[(input-box: bind $name, "X=", 1, (either: ...$choices))]<name-prompt|
(event: when $name is $ally)[(hide: ?name-prompt)(input-box: bind $name, "X=", 1, (either: ...$choices))
$ally: "I already picked that name, silly."]
(event: when $name is $deadname)[(hide: ?name-prompt)(input-box: bind $name, "X=", 1, (either: ...$choices)
"Please pick a different name."]
}(live: 1s)[(set: $name to (trimmed: $name))]
[[Okay|Welcome!]]''Welcome, $name!''
(text-style: "outline")[ [[Play!->Part 1 opening]]]$nonbinary(link-undo: "Return to pronoun choice")
(set: $gender to "enby", $noun to "kid")
}Customize your pronouns!
subject pronoun (//They// went to the store.):
(input-box: bind $sbj, "X=", 1, "they")
object pronoun (I'l give it to //them//.):
(input-box: bind $obj, "X=", 1, "them")
possessive determiner pronoun (I like //their// style.):
(input-box: bind $pos, "X=", 1, "their")
possessive pronoun (Oh, that's //theirs//.):
(input-box: bind $robj, "X=", 1, "theirs")
reflexive pronoun (They made it for //themself//.):
(input-box: bind $ref, "X=", 1, "themself")
(checkbox: 2bind $plural, "Plural pronoun (i.e. they/them)")
(live: 1s)[(set:
$sbj to (lowercase: (trimmed: $sbj)),
$obj to (lowercase: (trimmed: $obj)),
$pos to (lowercase: (trimmed: $pos)),
$robj to (lowercase: (trimmed: $robj)),
$ref to (lowercase: (trimmed: $ref))
Now pick a sex assigned at birth:
* [[Male|Nonbinary-femme]]
* [[Female|Nonbinary-masc]]
* (either: "[[Random|Nonbinary-femme]]", "[[Random|Nonbinary-masc]]"){
$whategg to true,
$sidebar to true)
}$dummy[$name and $ally talk about (lowercase: $book) as they eat their lunches.]
[[Go to PE|PE class day 9]]Start the story here and visit any one of these pages to test the way `$dirtyhacker` looks on any page where it exists.
$dirtyhacker (set: $whategg to true, $sidebar to true)
* (link-goto: "Not talk to Ryan day 5")
* (link-goto: "Ryan accepts you")
* (link-goto: "Lunch day 5")
* (link-goto: "Lunch day 9")
* (link-goto: "Cry in the hallway part 2")